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Kamlesh Meghwal's user avatar
Kamlesh Meghwal
Entrepreneur | Investor | Technology | Startups
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
152 votes

Bootstrap uncollapsed panel by default

76 votes

What is the C# equivalence for the JAVA `System.exit(0);`?

52 votes

How to sort List<Integer>?

24 votes

Java: convert HashMap values to Set<Integer>

14 votes

Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2

10 votes

input type email validates without "require" attribute

8 votes

Why does this integer equation output 0

8 votes

Intent.putExtra - How to send a string to the next activity?

6 votes

convert a string to json format in java

6 votes

What does the name Spring IO mean?

4 votes

"R cannot be resolved to a variable " in android Activity

3 votes

Clarification about "int" number that begins with 0

3 votes

How can I emulate a mutable string in Python (like StringBuffer in Java or StringBuilder in C#)?

3 votes

java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing class

3 votes

How to get short month name from full month name?

3 votes

JavaScript library for plotting maps

2 votes

Simple HTML page not loading Javascript Hello World

2 votes

My CSS doesn't work

2 votes

Display how long it took to serve search results

2 votes

Java finding a particular letter for the first time

2 votes

Unable to print array 0th element

2 votes

Send Java values to a web page

2 votes

Google Map is not getting loaded in Android native app

2 votes

Can Android apps be native and Java

2 votes

Java switch case statement - multiple entries for a case

2 votes

FacebookLogin: my android applicationId is null

2 votes

How to convert byte array to image in javascript

1 vote

read JSON file and display its contents

1 vote

How to print double quote in java ?? what should be syntax?

1 vote

java path is not set when add path field in environment variables