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Solomon's user avatar
Solomon's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
13 votes

Rails: using link_to to make a link without href

8 votes

Clear Memcached on Heroku Deploy

5 votes

csv data to nested json tree in d3

4 votes

Testing Braintree Transparent Redirect for Rails App

4 votes

Braintree subscription for recurring payments

4 votes

Simple rails button question

3 votes

Rails 3 - Redirect_to / Render another controller

3 votes

Scalability of multi-site rails app

2 votes

Rails devise session

2 votes

rspec testing a nested if function

2 votes

has_one any different than has_many?

1 vote

Rails MVC: Combine data from two models

1 vote

Should I use class method or instance method, and why?

1 vote

Rails 3 functional test - 'get()'can't access a controller method

1 vote

Best way to check if a username exists in a model

1 vote

Creating a video model on Rails3

1 vote

How to store static but repetitive content in Rails in a DRY way

1 vote

Rails 3. How to model people?

1 vote

Rails 3 Jquery Ajax how to insert a new element in the propper place

1 vote

Building a custom blogging system - design suggestions

1 vote

User profile with devise, checklist app

1 vote

Struggling to fake web data in Rspec tests

1 vote

D3.js: draw simple, updatable line graph?

1 vote

When an html select/option changes an input field needs to be updated

1 vote

Rails correct association with non-standard foreign key

1 vote

Ruby error expecting keyword end

0 votes

d3 transition between time groupings

0 votes

Cannot associate Categories and posts

0 votes

Check if record exists in Rails before creating

0 votes

Passing model instance variable from one controller to another in redirect_to in Rails