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John Lemberger's user avatar
John Lemberger's user avatar
John Lemberger
  • Member for 15 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • United States
25 votes

Is it possible to send a hash tag to a file url in UIWebView?

19 votes

How should I use git diff for long lines?

16 votes

actionscript 3 init()

14 votes

Preload/predisplay tiles in a CATiledLayer?

10 votes

How to check if NSDate chosen by user occured some years ago?

10 votes

Replace BookmarkButton with Activityindicator in UISearchBar

8 votes

How do I call a function immediately upon an iPhone app resuming from a saved state?

7 votes

How to get NSString between two words?

7 votes

How to start an Amazon EC2 instance programmatically in .NET

7 votes

Can't subtract registers in an addressing mode?

6 votes

how to set a context to NSString drawAtPoint?

5 votes

How can I play a video without causing music on iTunes/other audio to pause

5 votes

Get CGPDFDocumentRef name of document

5 votes

Is it possible to compile an iPhone App for IOS 4.0 using Xcode 4

4 votes

Doing a task that needs to update the screen

3 votes

CGPDFDictionary keys

3 votes

how do i setup ubuntu desktop in ec2

3 votes

How can I tell when an iPhone loses or re-acquires an Internet connection?

3 votes

FMDB Result set contains null iphone

2 votes

How to get full timestamp with only passing hours and minutes with NSDateFormatter?

2 votes

A Java Library for text extraction from PDF documents preserving empty spaces and lines

2 votes

Add a shortcut to Startup folder with parameters in Adobe AIR

2 votes

changing file attribute in adobe air

2 votes

How do I show my own image on a UIToolbar's UIBarButtonItem

2 votes

What's needed to handle annotation viewing in a PDF?

2 votes

Problem with drawRect and a huge view

2 votes

UITableView with an array of arrays and dictionaries

1 vote

Use index value in row section UITableView

1 vote

Count with Bresenham's line algorithm in real-mode,assembly

1 vote

Error when submitting app to iTunes: "Application executable is missing a required architecture"