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Ankit Agrawal's user avatar
Ankit Agrawal's user avatar
Ankit Agrawal
Database Developer at Teramatrix Technologies PVT Ltd
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
16 votes

How to know relations between tables

8 votes

How to update datetime by +15 hours with MySQL

7 votes

Isotope Overlapping Images?

6 votes

MySQL : error in your SQL syntax | LIMIT 0, 25

4 votes

Reset Mysql workbench root password

4 votes

MySQL - LEFT JOIN not working as expected

4 votes

Select stored procedure names by comment in Mysql

3 votes

postgresql - Sum of columns and group by hour of datetime

3 votes

MySql StoredProcedure with inner join

3 votes

Mysql to find password is forgetten

3 votes

How can one use JQuery to validate email addresses?

3 votes

I have to make sum of values using PHP

3 votes

SQL - combined results of two tables

3 votes

How to check that a column values has string or digits values in mysql?

3 votes

How to avoid duplicates in INSERT INTO wordpress

3 votes

Can't compile project after importing stored procedure

2 votes

Error in SQL when using coalesce to get number of items(comments) related to a post

2 votes

Why is this MySQL Delete command getting an error?

2 votes

SQL query from 2 tables (1 is key table)

2 votes

How to obtain desired result using SQL queries

2 votes

remove one duplicate value from two columns in mysql

2 votes

Removing duplicates from one column only

2 votes

Combine two tables in a new table

2 votes

check if text exist then run function

2 votes

The system can't find specify file when using iis to broswer home.aspx file?

2 votes

mysql Insert from left join where field match

2 votes

Mysql case statement with numeric values

2 votes

Comparing multiple rows in two large tables

2 votes

Selecting with multiple conditions in a Single SQL query

2 votes

SUM on values of duplicate row in MYSQL

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