Ruben Vermeersch's user avatar
Ruben Vermeersch's user avatar
Ruben Vermeersch's user avatar
Ruben Vermeersch
  • Member for 15 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
22 votes

Installing Node Grunt Locally

18 votes

Spring, Hibernate & JPA: Calling persist on entitymanager does not seem to commit to database

15 votes

How to generate url encoded anchor links with AngularJS?

7 votes

How to convert special characters into html entities?

6 votes

angular-gettext : change language dynamically?

5 votes

Angular-gettext translation service doesn't appear to be working.

5 votes

gettext module in angularjs does does not translate gettextCatalog.getString() in controller

5 votes

How do I run a Node.js application as its own process?

5 votes

How do I start contributing to GNOME?

3 votes

DllNotFoundException using Mono P/Invoke: Why?

2 votes

Generate YAML manifest from Kubernetes types

1 vote

Angular Gettext: plural format in .po file

1 vote

Angular-gettext doesn't update strings generated in code

1 vote

Angular translate decimal numbers

1 vote

How to write contents of a Cairo Image surface into a Gdk Pixbuf?

1 vote

Why do I get an "unexpected regex" error with my code?

1 vote

Free code coverage tools

0 votes

how to replace a placeholder across a full HTML page using Jquery?

0 votes

Why translations.js does not contain any string from .pot file during nggettext_compile?