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Nadeem Khedr's user avatar
Nadeem Khedr
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
248 votes

unobtrusive validation not working with dynamic content

78 votes

Is there a way to create an ActionLink with HTML 5 Data- attributes?

16 votes

Is there a way to cache https credentials for pushing commits?

7 votes

Does editing razor chtml file require recompiling?

6 votes

Get Current View's Url with HtmlHelper in ASP.NET MVC 3

6 votes

ASP.NET MVC Search Box on Layout.cshtml

5 votes

my jquery image slider isn't smooth in chrome but is fine in firefox and IE

3 votes

Bind value to complex Type

3 votes

How to establish validation dependency between two viewmodels?

3 votes

DataAnnotationsExtensionsMVC3 validation not working on Integer value

3 votes

What's with the [] in AngularJS?

3 votes

Unknown Provider Error AngularJs

3 votes

how to prevent a select from being changed?

2 votes

html.beginform v old skool form tag

2 votes

How can I add errors to ModelState using the correct key in ASP.NET MVC?

1 vote

How can I learn about enabling the back button in a jQuery AJAX application?

1 vote

@Html.EditorFor send empty array on post

1 vote

How to submit values from a view?

1 vote

How to save/persist and access data on client side in javaScript:Jquery?

1 vote

How to use Url Helper in splited js/coffee files

1 vote

Parse JSON object to pass parameters to generic list in C# MVC3 controller via ajax

1 vote

Selecting an asp label control using jquery

1 vote mvc3, how to make data annotations validation optional?

1 vote

Is it possible to bind a global variable in ng-model?

1 vote

jQuery remote validation not working on keypress, only working on focus change

1 vote

JQuery selector of script tag calling from

1 vote

Remove client-side validation

0 votes

How can Get the current Route and adjust one value in MVC?

0 votes

Add Value to RoutValues and keep Current Values in ASP.NET MVC 3

0 votes

Properties on nested objects in ember doesn't fire if the object key was in PascalCase