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Jaap Versteegh's user avatar
Jaap Versteegh's user avatar
Jaap Versteegh's user avatar
Jaap Versteegh
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
0 votes

How to choose most recent date path from list of strings?

0 votes

libnfc: "No NFC device found."

2 votes

Python3 urlopen read weirdness (gzip)

14 votes

Why does PyUSB / libusb require root (sudo) permissions on Linux?

0 votes

Calling boost::python::object as function in separate thread

19 votes

How do I wait for a pressed key?

4 votes

pyusb: cannot set configuration

7 votes

lxml.etree, element.text doesn't return the entire text from an element

2 votes

Windows System Menu in Python

4 votes

Why does DateTime to Unix time use a double instead of an integer?

3 votes

How can I change this Python code to be multiprocess rather than multi threaded?

0 votes

Twenty Ten child theme header image change error message: wordpress

0 votes

read webpage (with dynamic content) and save

0 votes

Terminating android ASE shell from within the script