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allquixotic's user avatar
allquixotic's user avatar
Software Developer & DevOps Engineer
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Find shortest wildcards for list of strings against a master list by prefix in Python

1 vote

Creating Managed Policy in CDK errors with MalformedPolicy

3 votes

Fully-featured regex library in pure Lua

0 votes

Express SSE - Broadcast to session users

0 votes

Tiberius simple_query as per documentation compile-time error

1 vote

Google Speech Recognition doesn't work because of colliding threads Qt C++

0 votes

Cookie session using HttpURLConnection

1 vote

Differentiating between pressing close and cancel on JOptionPane.showInputDialog

2 votes

Java - communication through sockets

8 votes

Error: AnnotationException: mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property

0 votes

GTK allow open files with new vala application

0 votes

Passing va_list as function argument

1 vote

Can you index a column that "changes" based its entries value?

0 votes

How to get PID of process I've just started within java program?

12 votes

JHipster relation between predefined table USER and my own table

3 votes

Qt Creator on MacOS: pkg-config dependencies can't be found

2 votes

QtGStreamer compile-time error in header due to C++11 standard?

4 votes

Apache Mina, How to detect when you're sending messages using an invalid socket to the client side?

4 votes

Faster cycle detection in a Directed Acyclic Graph?

0 votes

Is there a performance advantage to declaring a static value globally over a local variable in Java?

0 votes

Remove window shadow/glow from Visual Studio 2012

5 votes

How can I use the common Save As dialog from VBScript?

9 votes

Is there OLE Automation in Java?

11 votes

How to avoid Outlook Security Alert when sending Outlook message from VBScript?

2 votes

Page Reads - Memory or coding issue?

1 vote

How to ensure if internet is working fine in android

3 votes

gstreamer debug builds

17 votes

fallocate() command equivalent in OS X?

0 votes

One source needs to compile differently on multiple machines