FeifanZ's user avatar
FeifanZ's user avatar
FeifanZ's user avatar
Engineer at Stripe
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

Font Awesome How To

1 vote

How to create email address generator with Ruby?

1 vote

Whether to write an app in xCode or make it a webApp in PHP/mySQL

1 vote

Auto-generate Objective-C method headers from implementation?

1 vote

UITableCell textLabel is out of scope

1 vote

put something in .txt file

1 vote

Why the set of plugins can be different between Safari and WebView component?

1 vote

Java Preprocessor Check OS

1 vote

how to recognize which key is pressed custom keypad and which text field is selected

1 vote

How do i resolve EXC_BAD_ACCESS errors encountered in iphone development

1 vote

Why Emacs/Vim/Textmate? Isn't Xcode good enough?

1 vote

Objective C UITableView - Table cells display wrong content after changing cell's height

1 vote

Clip navigation bar to a scroll view

1 vote

@property/@synthesize question

1 vote

html 5 canvas drawing is slow!

1 vote

UIView/UIImageView inheritance

1 vote

Objective-C, interface declarations with properties

1 vote

add UIPanGestureRecognizer to a UIView

1 vote

Rotating UIViewController Problem

1 vote

Calling a method from an owned object on the owner

1 vote

Objects creation and instantiation in objective-c

1 vote

IOS Display different views from dynamically created nav bar

1 vote

A question about UISegmentedControl

1 vote

Track time spent in application

1 vote

Xcode iPhone App error on launch: NSUnknownKeyException

1 vote

Running a method in main view, in response to popover Method

1 vote

Is there a "best practice" for Organization in Xcode 4?

1 vote

Assigning a float value to variable

1 vote

UITableView displaying

1 vote

Array with only even number

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