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Mike Hofer's user avatar
Mike Hofer's user avatar
Mike Hofer
  • Member for 15 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Jacksonville, FL
2 votes

Step into: Stepping over non-user code : What is the meaning of this message?

0 votes

SelectedIndex returns -1 in void/static void function

0 votes

SQL - How to join 2 tables with combined SUM function ? (Incorrect results currently)

1 vote

Freeing memory while iterating through list before reaching end of loop

2 votes

Return more than one result

1 vote

How do software updates not wipe all user data & settings

1 vote

Why is this method not recognising the existence of my array in C#?

0 votes

2D Array Input in same line

-1 votes

Properly dispose derived class

0 votes

Splitting a Dictionary with a list in half

1 vote

Is a timer or filewatcher more effecient when watching for a process to close

1 vote

Visual Studio 2022, Form refactoring and text boxes issue

1 vote

How to avoid repetition assigning lots of variables with similar names to lots of fields in many objects

0 votes

Program doesn't close when I hit the X button top right (Visual Studio, Forms, C#)

0 votes

Linq query geting list by comparing Id with an list of objects that have ids

1 vote

Multi-targeted NuGet package won't build: System.Linq & System.Data.SqlDataClient packages not importing on the build server?

0 votes

StreamReader shows content on WriteLine function but return empty if using it in a variable

1 vote

A Constructor for Incremental Loading Collection Helpers in UWP C#

0 votes

Is it possible to infer this generic type, for type-safe callback?

0 votes

it isn't cohesive, and it doesn't abstract away any of the implementation details

0 votes

Trying to understand classes in c#

1 vote

What is the correct way to perform this sort operation?

1 vote

High precision time wait

1 vote

How to read this line of code correctly - Interfaces as objects

2 votes

Single WCF project will not create build artifact under YAML Azure DevOps Build Pipeline

0 votes

How to retrieve the elements in a List with a lambda expression without for o foreach

1 vote

Storing a generic Action in a Dictionary

1 vote

How to check and change labels and textboxes in ASP.net

1 vote

Collection<T> RemoveAt vs RemoveItem

3 votes

Return look up values SOLID and clean architecture

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