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smilingthax's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
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273 votes

Display name of the current file in vim?

60 votes

C/C++: switch for non-integers

35 votes

How to make chapter*, section* and subsection* appear in the table of contents

33 votes

protocol buffers - store an double array, 1D, 2D and 3D

9 votes

Software sound cancelling (destructive interference) tools on Linux?

7 votes

Google chrome frame - how does it work?

6 votes

Minimax algorithm with/without Alpha-Beta Pruning

4 votes

C/C++ compiler generating obfuscated code

4 votes

Can a compiler compile code without an extention?

4 votes

How can I swap two lines using sed?

4 votes

Using strings in switch statements - where do we stand with C++17?

3 votes

Binding object instances to static closures

3 votes

Conveniently Declaring Compile-Time Strings in C++

3 votes

x86 intel opcode assembly

3 votes

Why does yandex return 405, when google return 200 Ok?

3 votes

Improving frequency resolution of FFT output by limiting frequency range?

3 votes

lightweight http server C++

2 votes

Trailing Array Idiom

2 votes

Latex \newcommand problem

2 votes

How to implement public,private and protected keywords in c-language?

2 votes

Why does update not work with an inner join?

2 votes

How SVD works to find similar blocks in image?

2 votes

Linux C++ threads are dead, but "hanging" - thread limit

2 votes

Reading a file to char array then malloc size. (C)

2 votes

Does this behavior of setInterval imply multithreading behavior in Javascript?

2 votes

Function overloading where parameters only differ by ellipses

1 vote

When is the const version called?

1 vote

Real time data base synchronization

1 vote

Possibly transparent WebKit-Overlay in Gtk/Cairo?

1 vote

Implementation C++14 make_integer_sequence