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The Smallest's user avatar
The Smallest's user avatar
The Smallest
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
65 votes

How to set a dialog position to show at the center of the application?

45 votes

SQL server 2008 backup error - Operating system error 5(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)

36 votes

WCF error: "The X.509 certificate CN=localhost chain building failed ..."

34 votes

Most Popular/Frequently Used/Important Interfaces in C# .NET?

17 votes

Casting to enum vs. Enum.ToObject

17 votes

Open file from byte array

14 votes

Recursively Get Properties & Child Properties Of An Object

14 votes

MongoDB .NET driver and text search

13 votes

how to close window form which is hosting WPF user control from within a WPF user control

12 votes

Deserialization of an array always gives an array of nulls

11 votes

Get selected value from combo box in C# WPF

11 votes

Determine if App is running as a 'clickonce' application

9 votes

C# arrow key input for a console app

8 votes

string format for numbers or currency?

8 votes

Convert Linq ObjectQuery IQueryable to IEnumerable

7 votes

WPF BitmapImage Serialization/Deserialization

7 votes

How to compile a WPF application into a class library and start the application when needed

7 votes

WPF Events in Winforms

7 votes

Extension method returning lambda expression through compare

6 votes

What does "var" mean in C#?

6 votes

Why would this LINQ to SQL query break when I do ToList()?

6 votes

Many to Many SQL query in EntityFramework

5 votes

what are the most used interfaces in C#?

4 votes

How to validate if a collection contains all unique objects

4 votes

How to serialize non-static child class of static class

4 votes

WPF DataGrid rows/columns/cells highlighting

4 votes

Run CMD from C# Console Application?

4 votes

WPF C# XML resources in subfolder not getting built

4 votes

What am I missing about reference types in this example?

4 votes

BreezeJS + Knockout Not able to set input field to Null