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DLeh's user avatar
Senior Software Engineer
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

Phone Number Validation MVC

7 votes

Get max value in a list of points

7 votes

Entity Framework Code first with models in a different project

7 votes

Visual Studio: Change default path for repositories for GIT plugin

6 votes

.NET6 and DateTime problem. Cannot write DateTime with Kind=UTC to PostgreSQL type 'timestamp without time zone'

6 votes

Change empty string to zero in list

6 votes

WPF WindowsFormsHost sizing

6 votes

Change a WPF Grid to have the origin in the bottom left corner

6 votes

MVC Calling a function from a partial view is not working

5 votes

Create Multiple Objects Single LINQ EF Method

5 votes

Calling jQuery function from C# MVC

5 votes

How can I return both types of data in an action inside my controller?

5 votes

How to use less arguments for methods

5 votes

Just publish modified controllers, models and some parts of a ASP.NET MVC project

5 votes

WPF Nested DataGrid Binding Not Working

5 votes

C# How to use get, set and use enums in a class

5 votes

pass 'this' to alertify

5 votes

VS2012 Debugger will not open browser when debugging ASP MVC project

5 votes

Call a method on a dynamic object by name

5 votes

How to produce correct error for Blazor MapFallbackToFile()

4 votes

AutoMapper Map If Not Null, Otherwise Custom Convert

4 votes

c# sort hand of playing cards

4 votes

C# substring missing first zero value

4 votes

Excluding files from nuget package while including all

4 votes

What does it mean if a method has a type of return an interface?

4 votes

Create excel file and download it without saving it into the server, is it possible?

4 votes

How do I Instantiate a variable number of objects? (C#)

4 votes

Ignoring duplicate keys on Insert in SQL Server

4 votes

Add string to array

4 votes

Razor does not render when if clause is used

3 4 5