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Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
Daniel Ballinger
  • Member for 15 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
211 votes

Extender Provider failed to return an Extender

129 votes

Convert UTC/GMT time to local time

67 votes

How do I use OpenFileDialog to select a folder?

65 votes

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {XXXX} failed due to the following error: 80040154

30 votes

ASP.NET radiobuttonlist onclientclick

22 votes

Salesforce Apex: ISO Timestamp Format Function

16 votes

Configure or extend log4net SmtpAppender with custom subjects

12 votes

What is the easiest way to add compression to WCF in Silverlight?

11 votes

How to exclude designer.cs from Visual Studio file search

10 votes

Colored build output in Visual Studio

9 votes

Salesforce stuck in Organization Administration Locked state after using Apex Test Execution

8 votes

SOQL Pagination for Salesforce API queries

7 votes

Base class includes the field 'X', but its type (System.Web.UI.ScriptManager) is not compatible with the type of control (System.Web.UI.ScriptManager)

7 votes

What are the parameters for the Salesforce WebServiceCallout.invoke method?

7 votes

Logging Exception.Data using Log4Net

7 votes

Do we need to secure the cookie .ASPXANONYMOUS

7 votes

I am receiving the error "Bind variables only allowed in Apex Code [MALFORMED QUERY]" when testing a SOQL statement called from Jitterbit

6 votes

Get a list of API Names of all Fields for an Object.

6 votes

How to embed content of the file in the C# code?

6 votes

LimitException: Too many query rows: 50001 from with count() aggregate function

6 votes

Superscript and Subscript in WP7

6 votes

Carriage Return (ASCII chr 13) is missing from textbox postback values when used within an ASP.NET Update panel

5 votes

ASP.NET C# GridView Tab Index issue

5 votes

Reasons for NOT scaling-up vs. -out?

5 votes

How do I develop Salesforce API code for a custom object without Enterprise/Unlimited edition?

5 votes

How to return a PageReference to create a sObject in salesforce

5 votes

Salesforce: Check if ApexTrigger is active in test Method

5 votes

how to Get consumer Key and consumer Secret from Salesforce

5 votes

Installation of the application failed. XAP package signature is not valid or the WP manifest file is invalid.

5 votes

RForcecom accessing unknown field names

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