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Albert Perrien's user avatar
Albert Perrien's user avatar
Albert Perrien
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
3 votes

read, highlight, save PDF programmatically

1 vote

How to migrate a table using Business Intelligence Dev Studio?

2 votes

Tools and ways to understand object-oriented code

1 vote

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: table contact_data has no column named timestamp_

2 votes

How can I read BMP pixel values into an array?

3 votes

how to break up the code in a method body into statement by statement symbols/"tokens"

0 votes

How to use Python slice to extract a list of positions in a string

0 votes

How do I pass a Tcl data structure to Perl with Telnet in between?

1 vote

Learning mvc from scratch and hold a real job is it possible in a short time?

1 vote

Debugging Clojure with IntelliJ Idea 10 and La Closure Plugin version 0.3.15

12 votes

Is Lisp the only language with REPL?

0 votes

Check for unusual activity of a network device (C)

1 vote

Running a compiled C++ program as CGI

0 votes

Online C Compiler

-1 votes

Click detection in a 2D isometric grid?

1 vote

Can CSP(Communicating sequential processes) parser be generated using ANTLR?

2 votes

PyPE ansi or unicode?

2 votes

Database Modeling of a Softball League

0 votes

Feedback on analysis of code example (secure coding)

0 votes

Lisp/Scheme DSEL in C++

1 vote

How to make a function repeat itself

0 votes

How to hook AllocMem(), FreeMem() etc... calls ? It can be by any kind of technique dll, executable, etc

4 votes

How to determine memory usage in my .NET application