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Stonetip's user avatar
Stonetip's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 2 months
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9 votes

How to mask UIViews in iOS

7 votes

Error for .NETStandard1.6 PCL: "Your project is not referencing the ".NETPlatform,Version=v5.0" framework"

6 votes

How can I draw a nice graph like the HTC 'Stocks' app

6 votes

Convert form data to JavaScript object with jQuery

4 votes

Difference between Panorama and Pivot Control

3 votes

How to handle the back button on Windows Phone 7

3 votes

Wordpress WP-API get images attached to post

3 votes

how to correctly add sqlite frameworks to the Xcode project?

3 votes

Mapbox iOS move attribution Button

2 votes

How to reformat JSON in Notepad++?

2 votes

How to add monospaced text?

2 votes

Reliably stop System.Threading.Timer?

2 votes

How to turn off remote debugging in Visual Studio 2010?

2 votes

What does the => operator do in C#?

2 votes

MVVM Light Toolkit (GalaSoft) vs. MVVM Toolkit (WPF Toolkit)?

2 votes

Bing maps Ajax Control vs Silverlight Control

1 vote

How to fill ListBox with data entries programatically in Silverlight?

1 vote

How do I detect when toolkit:GestureListener Hold has stopped?

1 vote

Adding MouseBindings to Items in a databound WPF ListView

1 vote

MVVM-Light and WP7 ViewModel tombstoning isn't working

1 vote

How do I get PushNotificationChannel.PushNotificationReceived event handler to intercept notifications?

1 vote

Better way than using a var outside a func to track device orientation?

1 vote

iOS Dev: Using a custom image for the user annotation in MapBox

1 vote

How can I create PBF file from GeoJSON file using NodeJS?

0 votes

Show Landscape right view even if ipad is oriented to Landscape left

0 votes

How do I pass args while debugging a node.js project in Visual Studio 2017?

0 votes

Most efficient way to decode Protobuf repeated field array in C#

0 votes

Development on an unlocked phone without having a service from mobile company

0 votes

linq to xml and namespaces

0 votes

Change signed-in user in Windows 8 simulator?