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ybo's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
2 votes

Locking needed for this query?

2 votes

.next() jumps two steps instead of one, what's wrong?

2 votes

helper to modify the behaviour of an each in handlebarsJS

1 vote

what this.href.substr(23) does for process of event traking with GA?

1 vote

SQL - Avoid an additional GROUP BY (and improving query performance)

1 vote

TextAreaExpander plugin for jQuery: Error for know the browser

1 vote

How to bring the class or method to scope in Different file Jquery

1 vote

Determine DATEPART by int value in SQL

1 vote

TSQL count uppcase and lowercase letters

1 vote

In socket programming in c,why to specify the socket address in server program?

1 vote

Iterating anchors in jquery doesn't seem to work

1 vote

short to byte conversion

1 vote

How do I make a system where a random dog wins each time?

1 vote

Javascript or jQuery passing ID values to show or hide a selected Div

1 vote

ShowDialog(IWin32Owner) from Class Library

1 vote

display cookie immediately

1 vote

Abstract Class - Am I over-thinking this or doing it right?

1 vote

jQuery to highlight keywords in DataList bound with DataTable

1 vote

What is my issue with tab-selecting in JQuery?

1 vote

LINQ: get access to child lists during runtime

1 vote

Non generic IQueryable Enumeration Problem

1 vote

Unexpected JavaScript Actions reported by my Users

1 vote

Control Lightbox (Modal) From Code-Behind Of Asp.Net

1 vote

Type conversion among data and business layers

1 vote

jQuery not triggering on appended item

1 vote

How to show a Lightbox dialog from an ASP.NET AJAX response

1 vote

How to avoid flickering effect with javascript drag and drop

1 vote

What is the LINQ to objects 'where' clause doing behind the scenes?

1 vote

Jqmodal isn't working in the Updatepanel

1 vote

Please check my Javascript Snippet. It's a greasemonkey script for FB Mobwars