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astroanu's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
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94 votes

Truncate a collection

27 votes

import less file to another less file but not include it's content

9 votes

How to Change JQuery Validator Language Message

6 votes

Chrome displays ajax response when pressing back button

5 votes

Laravel: Save uploaded file into Session

5 votes

Api versioning in laravel: routing depending on the "Accept" Header

5 votes

Deselect selected options in select menu with multiple and optgroups

5 votes

Facebook app - Silent "Protocols must match" error

5 votes

Calculate distance in MongoDB map-reduce

4 votes

PHP if shorthand

4 votes

Getting key with the highest value from object

4 votes

Mongodb aggregation $unwind then count

2 votes

How can the jQuery code for initialization be simplified?

2 votes

API exceptions in Laravel 5

2 votes

Where should environment-specific values be saved in a Laravel 5 application?

2 votes

How could I load other js scripts and run it with mongodb

2 votes

How can I get rid of the error "Unsupported format of the sourcemap" while loading jquery-migrate.min.js?

2 votes

How to login using Github, Facebook, Gmail and Twitter in Laravel 5.1?

2 votes

Keep Bootstrap Dropdown open in Navbar no matter what

2 votes

Save Multipart Image File Sent From Android to Laravel 5.1

2 votes

Google Chrome dev tools automatically opens the 'drawer' pane

2 votes

Get city name from latitude and longitude

2 votes

How to define multiple locations Using Google Maps API to drop pin for every post in a list of posts generated by a loop

2 votes

Laravel Carbon format method unexpected result

2 votes

Laravel: Textarea mailable deletes new pharagraphs

1 vote

How do I give an option to store custom config values for their plugins in my Laravel app?

1 vote

Stub a method on any instance of object

1 vote

Mongodb high page faults and high lock but enough memory?

1 vote

Need Slim Scroll on Ul of an Bootstrap DropDownList

1 vote

Append dynamically created row to table