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Kristofer Källsbo's user avatar
Kristofer Källsbo's user avatar
Kristofer Källsbo
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

How to get user email after OAUTH with Google API Python Client

7 votes

python google ouath authentication decode and verify id_token

6 votes

How to make Material-UI CardActions always stick to the bottom of parent

4 votes

Unable to add custom Domain w/ Google App Engine

4 votes

Google Speech Api get text from audio file returning {"result":[]} in C#

4 votes

How can I add click-to-play to my HTML5 videos without interfering with native controls?

3 votes

Does Picasa api allow CORS Post?

3 votes

Cloud Functions Puppeteer cannot open browser

3 votes

Google Speech API returns NULL

3 votes

JSON serialization using Marshmallow - skip None attributes

2 votes

setting the id attribute of an input element dynamically in IE: alternative for setAttribute method

2 votes

Nested Models in .Net Entity Framework

2 votes

Infinite $digest loop when filtering array of objects

1 vote

Google Speech API returns empty result for some, but not the others (C#)

1 vote

Google Picasa Web Api: Get the private album

1 vote

Is there a way to get your email address after authenticating with Gmail using Oauth?

1 vote

Unable to load UTF-8 JSON data with marshmallow

0 votes

Google App Engine: Disable session middleware for services

0 votes

How to get useID/Email of logged in user in Google Contacts API after OauTh Token

0 votes

Nested classes in Gridview

0 votes

Is there a way to authenticate both Gmail Oauth and Google Contacts API AuthSub at one time?

0 votes

Google speech recognition API returns null result

0 votes

Google Speech API Deprecated?

0 votes

Api speech v2 google result empty

0 votes

Can you get element.text() from the from an ngBind expression?

0 votes

Facebook API Login C# Desktop App

-1 votes

How do I get the host name in Google App Engine on Custom Domain?