Maged Makled's user avatar
Maged Makled's user avatar
Maged Makled's user avatar
Maged Makled
  • Member for 13 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Minneapolis, MN
32 votes

permission denied to create extension "uuid-ossp"

24 votes

Error message: Make sure that `gem install pg -v '0.18.1'` succeeds before bundling

18 votes

How to stop solr with command line

13 votes

mate . command is not working in MAC OSX

9 votes

Mongoid query for array field

9 votes

Location of docker images downloaded by Docker (1.9.1) on Mac OS X

8 votes

calling custom validation methods in Rails

5 votes

Increase the font size in Firebug?

5 votes

How to stop binding.pry from executing inside a loop?

4 votes

"sqlite3.h" missing when pushing Rails app to Heroku

4 votes

Can't install libv8 in Rails on Windows

4 votes

Cassandra Start up

3 votes

Can't install Debugger gem - Rails - Mac OSX Mavericks

3 votes

Couldn't find User with id=sign_out

3 votes

rspec-sidekiq have_enqueued_sidekiq_job undefined method at

2 votes

How do I "post" fullcalendar data back to server?

2 votes

How can I get the final URL after redirects using Ruby?

1 vote

Rails-JQuery-Autocomplete search multiple attributes

1 vote

Datastax dsetool Solr create_core fail for TIMEUUID

1 vote

What is "the DataStax Enterprise user name"?

1 vote

Ruby, stack level too deep (SystemStackError)

1 vote

How to start a resque queue in production (EC2 / Ubuntu)?

1 vote

rails - combining two columns in the db into one in signup form

1 vote

Smarter CSV and Uploaded CSV File

1 vote

NameError: uninitialized class variable @@config in CassandraObject::Model

1 vote

Active Admin - refresh second drop down based on first drop down, Ruby on Rails

1 vote

Square Insufficient permissions to set app_fee_money when creating a payment

1 vote

Merging multi-dimensional hashes in Ruby

1 vote

Pass a url as a parameter in Ruby on Rails route

1 vote

How do I catch ArgumentError for my whole app in Rails?