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danmactough's user avatar
danmactough's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
143 votes

Express routes parameter conditions

108 votes

Express.js req.body undefined

82 votes

Mongoose retrieving data without _id field

29 votes

How do you set maxSockets in Node.js when using Express?

21 votes

How to return a complex JSON response with Node.js?

15 votes

Any recommendation for xml to json for Node.js?

10 votes

process.nextTick error in node.js?

9 votes

Why was mongoose designed in this way?

9 votes

Is "return;" necessary/helpful when using callbacks in Node.JS?

7 votes

Unique array values in Mongoose

6 votes

NodeJS readFile() retrieve filename

6 votes

How can I format a date coming from MongoDB?

5 votes

NodeJS listen to signal from bash script on some event

5 votes

res.redirect('back') with parameters

5 votes

Node.js: How to attach to a running process and to debug the server with a console?

4 votes

How do I push nested array values to a mongodb document?

4 votes

What's the right way to exit node.js script with a log message?

3 votes

Scrape redirect url.

3 votes

Rendering menus as Jade view partials in Express

3 votes

Increasing one field in a MongoDB collection with Mongoose

3 votes

Dealing with node.js exceptions

2 votes

Feed Aggregator Database Logic for Multi-User Experience

2 votes

Passing variables into node.js mongoose find query

2 votes

Including virtuals in query

2 votes

Multiple <atom:link> elements in RSS feed

2 votes

mikeal request bad formatted body

2 votes

Node.js callbacks

2 votes

What would be the equivalent of Pythons "pickle" in nodejs

1 vote

How to parse and display rss feed using Nodejs?

1 vote

How is this RSS link encoded?