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Daniel Pratt's user avatar
Daniel Pratt's user avatar
Daniel Pratt
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • Bangor, ME
7 votes

Is there an 'anytype' type for SQL Server

7 votes

What are your strategies for using Expression Blend on complex, decoupled WPF applications?

7 votes

Copy rows from one table to another, ignoring duplicates

7 votes

Resizing font in WPF list or grid to use space properly

7 votes

Type of printfn in F#, static vs dynamic string

7 votes

Transform Two Lists into One Different List

6 votes

Polymorphic Behavior in VB6

6 votes

How to create a polyvariadic haskell function?

6 votes

WPF - view and RDLC report file

6 votes

Constructor Injection and when to use a Service Locator

6 votes

Entity Framework - what's the difference between using Include/eager loading and lazy loading?

6 votes

Haskell way to join [IO String] into IO String

5 votes

Statement sequencing in Haskell?

5 votes

Haskell - Accepting different types and acting accordingly

5 votes

Real world use cases for C# indexers?

5 votes

How garbage collection works on object references?

5 votes

Monad join function

5 votes

What is the difference between an operator and a function in Haskell?

5 votes

Create all word variations of 2 character arrays

5 votes

What's the best way to implement a UI state machine?

4 votes

Is there WPF XAML for Uniform fit but constant StrokeThickness

4 votes

What's the best way to target both WPF and Web apps?

4 votes

Why does Unity's RegisterInstance<...> cause Unity to return multiple instances?

4 votes

sql server - Sum() column X, but add column Y only once

4 votes

What command line build tools (like make) can I use with Mono C#?

4 votes

Why are static classes considered “classes” and “reference types”?

4 votes

How to use DataTemplates in Prism

4 votes

VB6 Automation Error on Calls to .NET 3.5 Assemblies After the First Calls

4 votes

F# operator "?"

4 votes

Why monads? How does it resolve side-effects?

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