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Buthrakaur's user avatar
Buthrakaur's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
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1 vote

How to compare engagement time of users based on Firebase remote config values?

0 votes

AWS Device farming services issue for react-native app testing. Need to test the app on multiple android and IOS devices.

1 vote

AWS Device farm notification, post test suite execution

1 vote

Setting up a python environment on AWS using buildspec.yml

6 votes

react-native .babelrc changes not working

0 votes

ODP.NET managed driver does not return contol in case of command timeout

-2 votes

Enable ODP.Net logging

17 votes

Where is MsDeployPublish located?

2 votes

Karma for Visual Studio?

3 votes

Oracle ODP.net Managed vs Unmanaged Driver

0 votes

Http response file download not working in Internet explorer and chrome (C#, Asp.net)

8 votes

ODP.NET for both 32bit and 64bit

1 vote

Symbolic links in TFS 2010 Source Control?

0 votes

Duplicate C# web service proxy classes generated for Java types

0 votes

What is the proper build event to run assembly postprocessing in Visual Studio/MSBuild

0 votes

Slow loading App_LocalResources symbols if .svn folder present

1 vote

Issue using NHibernate SchemaUpdate with MySQL - no error, but nothing happens!

1 vote

Can I (and should I) force NHibernate future queries to execute at a certain point?

8 votes

Unit/Integration testing FTP access

0 votes

asp.net MVC - how to get complete local and global resources

7 votes

WCF - how to create programatically custom binding with binary encoding over HTTP(S)

1 vote

how to generate large image in compact framework

0 votes

AutoMapper map IdPost to Post

0 votes

How do you build extensible data model

1 vote

Rhino Security implementation for use case "user can only see entities for customers assigned to him"

4 votes

Stub one method of class and let other real methods use this stubbed one

0 votes

ASP.Net MVC - how to handle exception in JSON action (return JSON error info), but also publish the exception for filters?

8 votes

how to user year() and month() functions in NH Criteria API?

1 vote

Rhino UnitOfWorkApplication + Castle Automatic Transaction Management application does not flush automatically on request end

1 vote

ASP.Net MVC - strange params caching behaviour in Actions