Chobeat's user avatar
Chobeat's user avatar
Chobeat's user avatar
Machine Learning Engineer
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
8 votes

What is the difference between mini-batch vs real time streaming in practice (not theory)?

6 votes

Why "main method should be static" occurs if object name is "Statistic" in Scala

4 votes

How to create fat jar using sbt

3 votes

Is the `Builder` design pattern obsolete in Python?

3 votes

apache flink - the correct way of error handling

3 votes

Issue with linked list implementation

3 votes

Add two lists and return a new list with the highest value

3 votes

PyKafka metadata in bytes instead of strings

3 votes

In Slick 3.0 is there a way to declare Tables without using a Specific JDBC Driver

3 votes

Apache Flink Kafka Itegration

3 votes

Save as text File without brackets in Spark and change delimiter between the types

3 votes

When should I use type level computation in scala?

2 votes

Sending functions to fold in Scala

2 votes

Flink - Building the operator graph

2 votes

Why kafka 0.10 console producer cannot send messages to kafka 0.9?

2 votes

Automatically insert backslash to parse json string with double quotes

2 votes

Sort a list by the number of occurrences of the elements in the list

2 votes

Scala: abstract class: Compile Error: class X needs to be abstract, since: [error] it has n unimplemented members

2 votes

Is there a way to avoid using ._1 to be more readable

1 vote

How to use break-continue inside for-loop when row/column values changes inside the database?

1 vote

How to react on specific event with spark streaming

1 vote

spark dataframe - GroupBy aggregation

1 vote

PySpark splitting DenseVector into Individual Columns on a large dataset

1 vote

How to correctly handle Option in Spark/Scala?

1 vote

scala Future with an explicit return statement

1 vote

Object with MyTrait {}

1 vote

Type matching in scala

1 vote

How to change Flink's log directory

1 vote

Mahout recommender, Flink, Spark MLLib, 'gray box'

1 vote

How convert html or URL output of Scala to JSON