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Eran Hammer's user avatar
Eran Hammer's user avatar
Eran Hammer
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
437 votes

What's the difference between OpenID and OAuth?

239 votes

Why do access tokens expire?

84 votes

OAuth v2 communication between authentication and resource server

62 votes

Difference between OAuth 2.0 Two legged and Three legged implementation

41 votes

Should I obfuscate OAuth consumer secret stored by Android app?

38 votes

What's the point of a timestamp in OAuth if a Nonce can only be used one time?

37 votes

OAuth - What exactly is a resource owner? When is it not an end-user?

36 votes

joi_1.default.validate is not a function

35 votes

Architecture for merging multiple user accounts together

12 votes

Why should I use OpenID for Authentication rather than OAuth?

11 votes

What's the difference between OAuth and OAuth 2.0?

10 votes

Share authentication between two websites

9 votes

OAuth 2.0 -- What's new?

5 votes

OAuth provider with multiple consumer keys for single app

5 votes

Current OAuth 1.0 spec - how does it address the session fixation attack?

3 votes

What's the future of OAuth 1?

3 votes

OAuth - embedding client secret in your application?

3 votes

OAuth, Twitter and Indentity - who am I?

3 votes

OAuth works with Authorization data in the header but not in the URL

2 votes

Do I store openid AND oauth tokens in same table or separate tables?

2 votes

Building an OAuth provider for custom API

2 votes

Should I be using OAuth to pass data across servers, from JavaScript to C#?

2 votes

phantomjs-node + lab (test utility from hapijs) + test coverage

1 vote

OAuth Tokens: What can I link up to a user table?

1 vote

OAuth authentication failed on PUT

1 vote

Writing a Two-legged OAuth provider in Django

1 vote

"Mount" (run) legacy http handler in Hapi.js

1 vote

hapi-auth-cookie not setting cookie

1 vote

Is it possible to fetch foursquare user's history using Facebook id/psw?

1 vote

How to do OAuth using more than one provider at a time?