Schroedingers Cat's user avatar
Schroedingers Cat's user avatar
Schroedingers Cat's user avatar
Schroedingers Cat
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
22 votes

What is a build tool?

8 votes

How to implement a rule engine?

8 votes

Interfaces — What's the point?

7 votes

Null and IN() provides unexpected results

7 votes

Maximum possible length of FileVersionInfo.FileVersion string on Windows

6 votes

How to query for a built string select

5 votes

Managed and Unmanaged heap

4 votes

New Windows Application - What language?

4 votes

Is it reliable to use the IP address to identify a user on your website?

4 votes

SQL Server 2005 'between' operator behavior - bug or feature?

4 votes

how to guess the nationality of a person from the surname?

4 votes

Count (*) not working with where clause

3 votes

The next statement runs before the former one ends

3 votes

Inserting records permanetly into sql server using c#

3 votes

Lazy Load - $(document).ready?

3 votes

Develop Version Numbering for an Application

3 votes

Writing a comma separated string line by line to a file

3 votes

SQL and RAM... how to update 2000 records without the app freezing

3 votes

Why do deadlocks happen in SQL Server?

3 votes

Multithreaded file reading, does seek & read need critical section?

3 votes

Passing Enum to ASCX via html markup

3 votes

How to get previuos item of Dropdown using jquery or javascript

2 votes

jQuery Call a Function in Addition to some other code

2 votes

Axapta method return List<Array> , how to convert it in c#

2 votes

To Develop LMS and Scorm Sequesncing Engine

2 votes

Use of Goto within lexer/parser

2 votes

why do we put using before streamreader in c#

2 votes

SQL get the value above(larger) and below(smaller) of an inbetween value in a select statement

2 votes

Grouping of jQuery's events

2 votes

how must my javascript look like to run at the end of my ASP.NET page

2 3 4 5