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Daniel Smith's user avatar
Daniel Smith
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
257 votes

What effect does the `--no-ff` flag have for `git merge`?

135 votes

How can I change the color of AlertDialog title and the color of the line under it

53 votes

How to add a fast-scroller to the RecyclerView

47 votes

LG G2 vs980 not recognized by ADB devices command (Win7 on virtualbox)

15 votes

How to expand InboxStyle notification with only one appended line?

15 votes

Change the line color used in listSeparatorTextViewStyle

15 votes

How to add text on video recording?

11 votes

looking for camera auto-focus indicator example

9 votes

Extreme camera lag on Nexus 4

7 votes

how to change the Android-camera to portrait in surfaceview?

6 votes

Opengl GLES20.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE in android

6 votes

MediaRecorder fails even when matching Video Size and Preview Size aspect ratios

4 votes

Android In-app Subscription expiry check and testing

4 votes

using asynctask to speed up android app launch time

4 votes

Android: SharedPreferences Issue (Multiple SharedPreferences)

4 votes

how to change the blue line in the AlertDialog ( Holo Theme )

4 votes

GetSupportedPreviewSize returns reverse width and height

4 votes

ByteBuffer.wrap() in glTexImage2D causing excessive garbage collection

3 votes

Create a persistent notification and prevent notification in status bar

3 votes

onTouch giving strange results in getX android

2 votes

Custom SurfaceView with thread crashes App when Activity is exited

2 votes

Android Camera.Parameters.getZoomRatios() only returns 1 value

2 votes

Server side implementation using Python/(GAE) for push notifications for Android app

2 votes

camera lock failed exception while recreating media recorder android

2 votes

Filter to prevent Samsung Galaxy Camera from accessing app from Play store

2 votes

Creating AttributeSet from R.style

2 votes

If I write an app using Android 4 Platform, will the app work in Android 2 devices?

2 votes

OpenGL ES black texture on Nexus S

2 votes

What format is for Android camera with raw pictureCallback?

1 vote

Simulating an Android Camera