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  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
9 votes

Android background image size in pixel

6 votes

get bitmap information from bitmap stored in drawable folder

6 votes

Stop all toast messages when going to another screen in Android

5 votes

Parsing SoapObject Responst in android

4 votes

Android App crashed without any reason

4 votes

debug and break on null pointer exceptions only

4 votes

Android: Can't download vitamio SDK

4 votes

Problem when connecting my device to PC?

4 votes

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: error code 19: constraint failed

3 votes

What is the most fast way to run 2 for loop ?

3 votes

Android device not seen by ADB but accessible from Windows XP

3 votes

HTC windows 7 drivers

3 votes

How to get listener of a view

3 votes

Database to Cursor, Cursor to array list and array list to a string of name value pairs.

2 votes

Table view giving error below API level 11

2 votes

Declaratively display ads to the bottom of screen in Android activity without overlapping main content?

2 votes

what does this error mean and how do I get rid of it?

2 votes

Consume .NET WebService - Parsing an array of data from an asmx WebService in Android

2 votes

Application crash at start with Shared Preferences

2 votes

Should I thread if database query is under 100ms

2 votes

Access all properties of an unknown type

2 votes

Sometimes i got different string Key:Value in Json Array

2 votes

Android KSOAP2 throws SocketTimeoutException

2 votes

Get access to a view inside each row of ListView

2 votes

getting the data from dynamically created edit text fields and send them to the webservice after clicking upload button

2 votes

How can i send message to handler from a static function?

2 votes

Android changed app_name string, now it crashes

2 votes

Android - default value in editText

2 votes

Is format String[] whereArgs correct in SQLiteDatabase.delete?

2 votes

Creating Libraries for iOS, Android and WP7 based on the same code

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