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Tamas Czinege's user avatar
Tamas Czinege's user avatar
Tamas Czinege
  • Member for 15 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
41 votes

Creating an empty file in C#

40 votes

Find child by index jQuery

38 votes

NSOutlineView: remove disclosure triangle and indent

38 votes

How Expensive is Casting an Object?

37 votes

How do I retrieve the HttpContext properties when it returns null?

37 votes

How to "fadeOut" & "remove" a div in jQuery?

28 votes

XAML - What's the point of (typing) it?

27 votes

How to create a DOM node as an object?

26 votes

How do I skip an iteration of a `foreach` loop?

26 votes

Showing generic class eg Table<String> in xml comments in visual studio

26 votes

Does adding [Serializable] to the class have any performance implications?

25 votes

Why didn't the LINQ designers stick with using the way sql is written today?

25 votes

Alternative to servicestack.redis

24 votes

What does this line mean in Python?

24 votes

How to use a .js file?

24 votes

How can I merge back a string I split?

23 votes

How to solve the violations of the Law of Demeter?

23 votes

Is a Java interface an abstract class?

23 votes

Why can reflection access protected/private member of class in C#?

23 votes

Does GCC have a GUI?

21 votes

What's the best name for a non-mutating "add" method on an immutable collection?

21 votes

How to determine if a string is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address in C#?

20 votes

How do I define the return type of an interface method to be another interface?

20 votes

Non-web SQL Injection

20 votes

What causes this integer pointer reassignment to crash?

19 votes

CSS fixed width in a span

18 votes

Examples of good Java desktop applications

18 votes

an elegant way to build the string in c#

18 votes

What _did_ the C operators /\ and \/ do?

17 votes

Convert Enum to String

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