cjohnson318's user avatar
cjohnson318's user avatar
cjohnson318's user avatar
Software Developer, Miro Consulting LLC
  • Member for 12 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
54 votes

Rotate axis tick labels

46 votes

How to normalize a NumPy array to within a certain range?

26 votes

How to predict time series in scikit-learn?

21 votes

How to predict time series in scikit-learn?

15 votes

Django + Influxdb

13 votes

Why use gunicorn with a reverse-proxy?

9 votes

Django-allauth loads wrong base.html template

8 votes

Python smtplib: Why is the connection refused?

8 votes

Displaying a Map with MapKit in a Swift playground for a Quick Look?

8 votes

How do I save a 3D Python/NumPy array as a text file?

7 votes

In Python, how can I calculate correlation and statistical significance between two arrays of data?

5 votes

Python setuptools: How can I list a private repository under install_requires?

5 votes

Tkinter get selected value of a CheckButton

3 votes

How can I access a matlab/octave module from python?

3 votes

What's the standard way to handle 32 bit and 64 bit Python installations side-by-side on a Windows machine?

2 votes

What does _ and .. mean in a for loop?

2 votes

ARIMA time series forecasting not working in R

2 votes

How can I know if a branch has been already merged into master?

1 vote

How do I download GCC source?

1 vote

AWS Elastic Beanstalk "gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory"

1 vote

Python few elements of the list were skipped while removing them in for loop

1 vote

How to change contour colors in a range of values

1 vote

Using Python to find distance and angle of surrounding data points in 3D. Finding straight lines

1 vote

longest common sequence group

1 vote

Finding shapes using OpenCV Haar cascaded classifier

1 vote

Using GSL with MinGW on Windows

1 vote

Constructing Triangular Mesh for 3-Dimensional Data Surface Data in Python

0 votes

Use token as variable in pyparsing

0 votes

Adding an additional argument to an argparse argument

0 votes

Python 3.3.3 Running Files with Command Line