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James Baker's user avatar
James Baker's user avatar
James Baker
  • Member for 15 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Seattle, Washington, United States
0 votes

Working around Script# naming conflicts

1 vote

ScriptSharp (Script#) and Knockout

1 vote

Web visualisations for data?

3 votes

Mouseup bug in all browsers except Firefox?

19 votes

Prevent default Press but not default Drag in iOS MobileSafari?

0 votes

Prevent default Press but not default Drag in iOS MobileSafari?

7 votes

Why would you avoid C++ keywords in Java?

15 votes

escaping a string in Ruby

1 vote

Mongrel Rails error: RoutingError (No route matches "/://0" with {:method=>:get}):

8 votes

How do I retrieve the visitor's ISP through PHP?

6 votes

Creating/Recreating a Migration-generated Record in the Test Database with RSpec

146 votes

What's the best way to unit test protected & private methods in Ruby?

1 vote

How do I test Rails block helpers with rSpec

40 votes

How can I add multiple should_receive expectations on an object using RSpec?

4 votes

Preferred fixture replacement plugin in Rails?

6 votes

Test cases, "when", "what", and "why"?

12 votes

How to run untrusted Ruby code inside a safe sandbox?

3 votes

Rails Console Doesn't Automatically Load Models For 2nd DB

267 votes

Microsoft Excel mangles Diacritics in .csv files?

9 votes

Open the default browser in Ruby

1 vote

How do I set HttpOnly on a session cookie in Rails 2.1?