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ispiro's user avatar
ispiro's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
0 votes

How do I get a Visual (e.g. a UserControl) to be ready for copying by a RenderTargetBitmap?

2 votes

Why does saving args[0] into a string give out a index-out-of-range exception?

2 votes

C# WPF Call method from a closing window

6 votes

How to add a WebForm file in VS2022?

0 votes

how to make a darkmode toggle in form1, reach childform form 2?

1 vote

Fill array with values from for loop

1 vote

I want to save the photo with an extension

6 votes

How to remove the "Go to live visual tree" / "Enable selection" / "Display layout adorners" overlay when debugging?

9 votes

Hide the black bar on Visual Studio 2022 (Go to live visual tree etc.)

0 votes

How to use Out to pass multiple values from list in C#

0 votes

Is it possible to optimize these if-else statements?

4 votes

How to check for invalid UTF-8 characters?

1 vote

automatically move control if not visible on screen

1 vote

How can I reset VisualTreeHelper.GetDpi() to return the true DPI?

1 vote

Prevent blurriness when dpi changes

0 votes

How to get back Visual Studio's old way of alerting of suggestions by darkening code instead of by 3 dots?

1 vote

Why do some XML-Comment show up strangely?

1 vote

Why does my iOS app show it needs "Local Network" permission?

1 vote

C# static data hierarchy

0 votes

BlockingCollection.Add() - Why does the documentation say that it MAY block?

-1 votes

Can I connect to database with another language

1 vote

How to clean up the unmanaged resources in C#

0 votes

How is this WCF ChannelFactory type weirdness possible?

1 vote

is there a function to determine if prime number exists in the sum?

1 vote

Why float operation return integer numbers in C# PointF?

1 vote

Iterating through variable names with for loop

1 vote

Any way to use interfaces as "type aliases" in C#?

0 votes

What is "off screen" and "on screen" in Xamarin.Forms Animations?

1 vote

Startup apps don't start until logging off and on

1 vote

Cached image not being updated with LockScreen.SetImageFileAsync(file);

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