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RyanfaeScotland's user avatar
RyanfaeScotland's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
17 votes

Netbeans and MinGW-w64

17 votes

Make an existing folder into a repository

8 votes

specflow generate step definitions missing from context menu

7 votes

Giving name to a loop

4 votes

Calculating convexityDefects using OpenCV 2.4 in c++

3 votes

Obscure MySql Connector/J error message - java.sql.SQLException: boo {exclamation mark}

3 votes

Need IronPython Code to output Filtering Scheme in Spotfire

3 votes

Converting webcam program to process one image

2 votes

IronPython try/except not catching error

2 votes

UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native method not found (NOT caused by the common cause for this error)

2 votes

Embedding a live RTSP stream of H.264 video in a webpage

2 votes

Finding convex defects? in OpenCV 2.3, c++ with MS Visual Studio2010

2 votes

Can we use Opencv to get live video stream over the internet? How to do that?

2 votes

DateDiff error, "The expression is not complete"

2 votes

HTML in Spotfire and IronPython

2 votes

Outlook Find/Restrict with contain

2 votes

Spotfire: How to call spotfire webservice and get a pdf report - System Integration

1 vote

Spotfire Custom Expression

1 vote

NHibernate.MappingException: Could not compile the mapping document

1 vote

Calculation of Percentage Contribution in Spotfire

1 vote

How to get the property that has a DataMemberAttribute with a specified name?

1 vote

Designing a conditional database relationship in SQL Server

1 vote

Beginner Javascript credit hour calculator

1 vote

Spotfire: count the number of a certain character in a string

1 vote

What useful macros have you created in Netbeans?

1 vote

Looking to create a bot for an online java based game

1 vote

opencv java ip-camera (2 questions)

1 vote

how can I compute number of finger? (openCV + contour Detection)

1 vote

How to setup path in Netbeans?

1 vote

Boolean parameters - should I name them?