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divinedragon's user avatar
divinedragon's user avatar
Senior Software Developer at Zalando SE
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

How to Setup Session Fixation in Spring Boot 3?

4 votes

What does JaCoCo rule elements mean and how to combine them

6 votes

Error while doing UPSERT in Sqlite 3.34 - Error: near "DO": syntax error

30 votes

How can I install or upgrade to sqlite 3.33.0 on Ubuntu 18.04?

7 votes

How avoid Eclipse load test-class file in to classpath when Java app run?

1 vote

NoClassFoundError for com.amazonaws.transform.SimpleTypeJsonUnmarshallers$DateJsonUnmarshallerFactory

2 votes

dygraphs minification build error in a create-react-app project

9 votes

java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException: Get Key failed: null while reading .p12 file in Java

3 votes

oauth/token Full authentication is required to access this resource

1 vote

Use Jackson Deserialization for DateTime in Spring REST Controller

2 votes

Selectively map a part of JSON data to nested class using jackson mapper

0 votes

Operation name must be unique in eclipse

0 votes

Not able to aggregate in case statement in hive query

2 votes

Jmeter write to file -Beanshell script issues

8 votes

Spring @RequestParam DateTime format as ISO 8601 Date Optional Time

0 votes

how to get scope associated with access token in Spring OAuth while building microservices?

0 votes

Why does activemq opening sockets with itself

13 votes

WARNING as java.io.EOFException when ActiveMQ starts

0 votes

Custom names for resources in cluster created using HEAT templates in Openstack

0 votes

SkipLimitStepFactoryBean is missing from Spring Batch 2.2.7

4 votes

HtmlUnit + Webclient.getPage throws

7 votes

Primefaces Datatable: need to export additional columns to excel that are not displayed on datatable

1 vote

Set binary/base64 data as attachment in VB Script CDO.Message

1 vote

Bash command rev to reverse delemiters

1 vote

Ignore/Ovewrite .pigbootup configurations

5 votes

Recursively list all files in a directory including files in symlink directories

0 votes

Java: Convert scientific notation to regular int

1 vote

Multiple jQgrids WITH filtertoolbar in jqueryUI Tabs do NOT work

4 votes

Conditional Filter in GROUP BY in Pig

0 votes

SAX Parser support in Apache Pig