I have multiple programmers contributing examples for javadocs and some examples contain comments formatted with


When I put these examples into a javadoc comment, the comment close in the example closes the javadoc comment.

 * /*
 *  *
 *  */  <-- right here

Is there a proper way to handle this without telling everyone that they cannot write comments in this format?

5 Answers 5


Javadoc comments use html, so encode the / as an entity: &#47;

 * /*
 *  *
 *  *&#47;  <-- right here

Telling everyone not to put that kind of comment in their code examples might be easier.


In my opinion, if the code is not self-explanatory or at least simple enough to understand with a brief description, then the code should be refactored. It needs to be shorter, or the variables need to be more understandable, or the logic requires rethinking.

In any case, I don't believe there's a way around it, if you wanted to include an example then do not have any comments within that example. If you really must have comments, use the // notation.


Why would you want to put commented source code into a comment?

This sounds like there's something wrong with your design if something like that is necessary.

  • Displaying example code in your JavaDoc is one possibility, but the inner JavaDoc block should be html-escaped. Jul 1, 2014 at 17:36

HTML is allowed within Javadoc comments. Enclose the code in your comment within <code> or <pre> elements. For example:

 * Outputs "Hello World" to the console.
 * <code>System.out.println("Hello World");</code>

"/* */" comments cannot be nested. "//" comments can be, but they're only effective until the end of the line they start on.

Generally speaking, it's not a good thing to be including actual code in the JavaDocs - for one thing, they should be more abstract (the "why" of things instead of the "how").

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