i am trying to extract a substring(everything before a hyphen, in this case) from a string as shown below:

Net Operating Loss - 2007
Capital Loss - 1991
Foreign Tax Credit - 1997

and want the year and name(substring before hyphen) separately, using SQL server Management studio 2008. Any advice? or idea how i can achieve this?

3 Answers 3

DECLARE @test nvarchar(100)

SET @test = 'Foreign Tax Credit - 1997'

SELECT @test, left(@test, charindex('-', @test) - 2) AS LeftString,
    right(@test, len(@test) - charindex('-', @test) - 1)  AS RightString
  • 1
    Should that - 2 be - 1?
    – MaxJ
    Sep 18, 2018 at 10:51
  • 1
    no, there are spaces on both sides of the char '-' @MaxJ
    – pbordeaux
    Sep 19, 2018 at 2:37
  • 1
    @pbordeaux - Ah, yes - missed that, apologies. Was not the case in what I required this for and overlooked that
    – MaxJ
    Sep 19, 2018 at 15:45
DECLARE @dd VARCHAR(200) = 'Net Operating Loss - 2007';

SELECT SUBSTRING(@dd, 1, CHARINDEX('-', @dd) -1) F1,
       SUBSTRING(@dd, CHARINDEX('-', @dd) +1, LEN(@dd)) F2

This can achieve using two SQL functions- SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX

You can read strings to a variable as shown in the above answers, or can add it to a SELECT statement as below:

SELECT SUBSTRING('Net Operating Loss - 2007' ,0, CHARINDEX('-','Net Operating Loss - 2007'))

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