I'm reading a book about SQL. In that book there's the term Ad Hoc Query, which I don't understand.

What exactly is an ad hoc query?

11 Answers 11


Ad hoc is latin for "for this purpose". You might call it an "on the fly" query, or a "just so" query. It's the kind of SQL query you just loosely type out where you need it

var newSqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = " + myId;

...which is an entirely different query each time that line of code is executed, depending on the value of myId. The opposite of an ad hoc query is a predefined query such as a Stored Procedure, where you have created a single query for the entire generalized purpose of selecting from that table (say), and pass the ID as a variable.

  • 23
    @David Hedlund your query is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks...You must use parameter.
    – Paridokht
    Oct 22, 2013 at 8:23
  • 61
    @Paridokht: Certainly. I'm not advocating that use, I'm explaining the concept of an ad hoc query, which was the question. Oct 22, 2013 at 10:30
  • 14
    @DavidHedlund: Yes,I Understand..but may be it's better to mention it in your answer because there are users who read this and do not have any idea of this attack.
    – Paridokht
    Oct 22, 2013 at 10:57
  • 63
    If a user reads it and does not have idea about SQL injection, they are not working on anything which could be of hacker's interest. Let's not go to extremes...
    – Michal B.
    Jan 9, 2014 at 9:44
  • 17
    As a developer with years of experience now, I've been learning a lot of things while I was looking for something completely different than what I look for. So IMHO adding a sentence just like '... don't forget to do necessary controls and sanitization for myId here' wouldn't cause any harm.
    – scaryguy
    Dec 11, 2015 at 3:15

An Ad-Hoc Query is a query that cannot be determined prior to the moment the query is issued. It is created in order to get information when need arises and it consists of dynamically constructed SQL which is usually constructed by desktop-resident query tools.

Check: http://www.learn.geekinterview.com/data-warehouse/dw-basics/what-is-an-ad-hoc-query.html

  • So if I type a static query and run it once, it's not "ad hoc"?
    – jumxozizi
    Jan 18, 2017 at 11:47

An Ad-hoc query is one created to provide a specific recordset from any or multiple merged tables available on the DB server. These queries usually serve a single-use purpose, and may not be necessary to incorporate into any stored procedure to run again in the future.

Ad-hoc scenario: You receive a request for a specific subset of data with a unique set of variables. If there is no pre-written query that can provide the necessary results, you must write an Ad-hoc query to generate the recordset results.

Beyond a single use Ad-hoc query are stored procedures; i.e. queries which are stored within the DB interface tool. These stored procedures can then be executed in sequence within a module or macro to accomplish a predefined task either on demand, on a schedule, or triggered by another event.

Stored Procedure scenario: Every month you need to generate a report from the same set of tables and with the same variables (these variables may be specific predefined values, computed values such as “end of current month”, or a user’s input values). You would created the procedure as an ad-hoc query the first time. After testing the results to ensure accuracy, you may chose to deploy this query. You would then store the query or series of queries in a module or macro to run again as needed.


An Ad-Hoc Query is a query that cannot be determined prior to the moment the query is issued. It is created in order to get information when need arises and it consists of dynamically constructed SQL which is usually constructed by desktop-resident query tools. An ad hoc query does not reside in the computer or the database manager but is dynamically created depending on the needs of the data user.

In SQL, an ad hoc query is a loosely typed command/query whose value depends upon some variable. Each time the command is executed, the result is different, depending on the value of the variable. It cannot be predetermined and usually comes under dynamic programming SQL query. An ad hoc query is short lived and is created at runtime.


Ad hoc queries are those that are not already defined that are not needed on a regular basis, so they're not included in the typical set of reports or queries

  • Can you explain what you're writing more? What is the "typical set"; do you mean compiled code?
    – Ben
    Dec 25, 2013 at 9:58

Ad-hoc Statments are just T-SQL Statements that it has a Where Clause , and that Where clause can actualy have a literal like :

Select * from member where member_no=285;

or a variable :

declare @mno INT=285;
Select * from member where member_no=@mno

Ad-hoc Query -

  • this type of query is designed for a "particular purpose,“ which is in contrast to a predefined query, which has the same output value on every execution.
  • An ad hoc query command executed in each time, but the result is different, depending on the value of the variable.
  • It cannot be predetermined and usually comes under dynamic programming SQL query.
  • An ad hoc query is short lived and is created at runtime.

Also want to add that ad hoc query is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. We should try to avoid using it and use parameterized SQLs instead (like PreparedStatement in Java).

  • 9
    An ad-hoc query is not vulnerable to SQL Injection. An unparametized query that accepts user-input is vulnerable to SQL Injection.
    – Ben
    Dec 25, 2013 at 10:00
  • @Ben An ad-hoc query is always unparameterized. It cannot be SQL injection attacked if we don't expose the variables to users; but the point is ad-hoc query is risky to SQL Injection.
    – xli
    Dec 31, 2013 at 15:06

An Ad-Hoc query is:

  1. Pre-planned question.
  2. Pre-scheduled question.
  3. spur of the moment question.
  4. Question that will not return any results.
  • 1
    What does this mean in terms SQL? Also, not all "Questions that will not return any results." are ad hocs.
    – jumxozizi
    Jan 18, 2017 at 11:44

Ad hoc query is type of computer definition. Which means this query is specially design to obtain any information when it is only needed. Predefined. refer this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0c8JEKmVXhU

  • 2
    I think "Predefined" is the opposite of "ad hoc".
    – jumxozizi
    Jan 18, 2017 at 11:46

In Sql Server "Ad Hoc Query" is also used for Ad Hoc Distributed Queries. These are ad hoc queries on an other server via OpenRowset or OpenDatasource. Ad Hoc Distributed Queries are only allowed after configuring so. This is a Server configuration option.

  • this is not about sql Server. the question was not about a particular entreprise solution but rather about a general understanding of the meaning ad hoc queries
    – arthur
    May 30, 2013 at 13:46

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