I'm trying to convert numbers into letters. I'm making an array of divs that either need a number or a number and letter. so 1-3 are just 1-3. but 4-13 need to be a/4, b/5, c6 and so on. is there a way I can converts these numbers into letter easily. maybe changing the ascii values by a set amount?

     for(var i = 1; i < 33; i++){
    if( i < 4 || (i > 13 && i < 20) || i > 29){
        $('#teeth-diagram').append("<div class='tooth' id='" + i + "'>&nbsp;</div>");
        $('#teeth-diagram').append("<div class='tooth' id='" + Letter goes here + "/" + i + "'>&nbsp;</div>");
  • I think I'm missunderstood. I don't want to type in a, b, c, d on each div. I just want it to be done dynamically. so if I can convert 4 in to a and 5 in to b that would be great
    – Gambai
    Nov 2, 2012 at 19:47
  • This one should be helpful - [create string or char from an ascii value][1] [1]: stackoverflow.com/questions/602020/… Nov 2, 2012 at 19:49
  • @lserni Not without something like jalaj.net/2007/03/08/asc-and-chr-in-javascript ...what are ord and chr in javascript?
    – Ian
    Nov 2, 2012 at 19:52
  • Sorry @Ian, I have them as shortcuts and often forget they're not standard. I had edited my comment, but too late :-)
    – LSerni
    Nov 2, 2012 at 19:57

3 Answers 3


since 97 is the ascii value for 'a', and your value for 'a' is 3, you need to do this to get the value of the integer converted to a character:

    String.fromCharCode(94 + i);

Yes, you can. Use var letter = String.fromCharCode(number); To get a lowercase a, the number would be 97, b would be 98 and so forth. For uppercase A 65, B would be 66 and so forth. See this JSFiddle for an example


You can use the String.fromCharCode(x) function for this, you just need to pass the proper index (eg: 97 = a, 98 = b)

const numberA = 1; // 1 = A, 2 = B,...., 26 = Z
const numberB = 2; 

//lowercase (start in CharCode 97)
console.log( String.fromCharCode(96 + numberA) ); //a
console.log( String.fromCharCode(96 + numberB) ); //b


//uppercase (start in CharCode 65)
console.log( String.fromCharCode(64 + numberA) ); //A
console.log( String.fromCharCode(64 + numberB) ); //B    

  • 2
    For uppercase I would recommend just using the starting point of 64 instead of 96. For me I use this: //Index is base 0 so I use 65. getLetter(index: number): string { // String.fromCharCode(65) returns (capital) A. The next 26 chars is the subsequent letter. return String.fromCharCode(65 + index); } Sep 30, 2021 at 16:00
  • Note: 64 and 96 are NOT alphabet characters. So if you're using base 0, start at 65 and 97 Jun 20, 2023 at 4:04

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