I have a class along the following lines :

class ArraySim{

     DataStructure* ds;
     ArraySim(bool which){
           ds = new STDMap();
           ds = new HashMap();
     value_type& operator[](int idx){
          return ds->getValAtIndex(idx);

     //define a  custom iterator type that can be used to iterate over both std::map and boost::unordered //map keys.

class DataStructure{

    vitrual value_type& getValAtIndex(int idx)=0;

class STDMap: public DataStructure{
   //Class that wraps a std::map object and implements the virtual method to return the value against a //particular index(key)

class HashMap: publlic DataStructure{
    //Class that wraps a boost::unordered_map object and implements the virtual method to return the value //against a particular index(key)

I have been through : Generic Iterator and Transform Iterator . As I understand it , transform iterator still requires you to give the underlying container iterator in the template arguments. So is there a way I can use transform iterator to define a custom iterator type around the map keys and at the the same time make it work for different types of map containers ?


1 Answer 1


If you're using Boost, you can use any_range.

typedef any_range<value_type, boost::forward_pass_traversal_tag,
  value_type &, std::ptrdiff_t> range;
typedef any_range<value_type, boost::forward_pass_traversal_tag,
  const value_type &, std::ptrdiff_t> const_range;
typedef range::iterator iterator;
typedef const_range::const_iterator const_iterator;

virtual iterator begin() = 0;
virtual iterator end() = 0;
virtual const_iterator begin() const = 0;
virtual const_iterator end() const = 0;

Your begin and end virtuals just need to construct the appropriate iterator:

iterator begin() { return iterator(object.begin()); }
  • Note that there's a good chance you don't want the reference type to be value_type but value_type&. Also, this doesn't accomodate const ranges correctly.
    – Xeo
    Nov 30, 2012 at 10:52
  • Still doesn't work correctly for const ranges, since value_type const& isn't convertible to value_type& (hint: you need two typedefs).
    – Xeo
    Nov 30, 2012 at 10:58

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