I am currently using an Arduino that's outputting some integers (int) through Serial (using pySerial) to a Python script that I'm writing for the Arduino to communicate with X-Plane, a flight simulation program.

I managed to separate the original into two bytes so that I could send it over to the script, but I'm having a little trouble reconstructing the original integer.

I tried using basic bitwise operators (<<, >> etc.) as I would have done in a C++like program, but it does not seem to be working.

I suspect it has to do with data types. I may be using integers with bytes in the same operations, but I can't really tell which type each variable holds, since you don't really declare variables in Python, as far as I know (I'm very new to Python).

  • 7
    Have you had a look at struct ?
    – sotapme
    Feb 15, 2013 at 21:45
  • It'd help if you included an example. Most likely the struct module will handle it for you though.
    – Martijn Pieters
    Feb 15, 2013 at 21:48

5 Answers 5


You can use the struct module to convert between integers and representation as bytes. In your case, to convert from a Python integer to two bytes and back, you'd use:

>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('>H', 12345)
>>> struct.unpack('>H', '09')

The first argument to struct.pack and struct.unpack represent how you want you data to be formatted. Here, I ask for it to be in big-ending mode by using the > prefix (you can use < for little-endian, or = for native) and then I say there is a single unsigned short (16-bits integer) represented by the H.

Other possibilities are b for a signed byte, B for an unsigned byte, h for a signed short (16-bits), i for a signed 32-bits integer, I for an unsigned 32-bits integer. You can get the complete list by looking at the documentation of the struct module.


What you have seems basically like it should work, assuming the data stored in myline has the high byte first:

myline = [0, 1, 2, 3]
pot = myline[2]<<8 | myline[3]

print 'pot: {:d}, 0x{:04x}'.format(pot, pot)  # outputs "pot: 515, 0x0203"

Otherwise, if it's low-byte first you'd need to do the opposite way:

myline = [0, 1, 2, 3]
pot = myline[3]<<8 | myline[2]

print 'pot: {:d}, 0x{:04x}'.format(pot, pot)  # outputs "pot: 770, 0x0302"
  • It's high-byte-first. Still, it's trange that it doesn't work. I'm using a function that outputs numbers to the X-Plane terminal that expects an int, float or double (any will do). However, when I pass self.pot as an argument (I hope that's the correct term), it doesn't show anything, whereas it outputs any other number.
    – Gepapado
    Feb 15, 2013 at 22:33
  • What format do you send the data to the terminal in, ASCII? If so, how are you converting the value (an integer) in pot to that format before sending it?
    – martineau
    Feb 15, 2013 at 22:53

For example, using Big Endian encoding:

int.from_bytes(my_bytes, byteorder='big')

This totally works:

long = 500
first = long & 0xff  #244
second = long >> 8  #1
result = (second << 8) + first #500

If you are not sure of types in 'myline' please check Stack Overflow question How to determine the variable type in Python?.


To convert a byte or char to the number it represents, use ord(). Here's a simple round trip from an int to bytes and back:

>>> number = 3**9
>>> hibyte = chr(number / 256)
>>> lobyte = chr(number % 256)
>>> hibyte, lobyte
('L', '\xe3')
>>> print number == (ord(hibyte) << 8) + ord(lobyte)

If your myline variable is string or bytestring, you can use the formula in the last line above. If it somehow is a list of integers, then of course you don't need ord.

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