I have hash string stored in file, {"a"=>1,"b"=>2}, I open the file and store this hash string to $hash_string, How can I convert this $hash_string to $hash_string_ref = {"a"=>1,"b"=>2}?

3 Answers 3


The simple answer:

$ echo '{"a"=>1,"b"=>2}' > val.pl
$ perl -le 'my $foo = do "val.pl"; print $foo->{a}'

The better answer: Consider using a better data serialization format, such as Storable or YAML, or even JSON.

  • 1
    +1 for the serialization advice. But the do thing is not the most safe option.
    – simbabque
    Feb 27, 2013 at 9:41
  • do in this case, has all of the same security problems of string eval. Feb 27, 2013 at 17:08

use Perl Safe

The module will run any perl-code (in a sandbox) and return the result. Including decoding e.g. a structure dumped to a file.

code example:

use Safe;     
my $compartment = new Safe;
my $unsafe_code = '{"a"=>1,"b"=>2}';
my $result = $compartment->reval($unsafe_code);
print join(', ', %$result); 

Your data format appears to be "arbitrary Perl expression", which is a pretty awful data format. Why don't you use JSON or fuller-featured YAML instead?

use JSON::XS qw( encode_json decode_json );

sub save_struct {
   my ($qfn, $data) = @_;
   open(my $fh, '>:raw', $qfn)
      or die("Can't create JSON file \"$qfn\": $!\n");
   print($fh encode_json($data))
      or die("Can't write JSON to file \"$qfn\": $!\n");
      or die("Can't write JSON to file \"$qfn\": $!\n");

sub load_struct {
   my ($qfn) = @_;
   open(my $fh, '>:raw', $qfn)
      or die("Can't create JSON file \"$qfn\": $!\n");
   my $json; { local $/; $json = <$fh>; }
   return decode_json($json);

my $data = {"a"=>1,"b"=>2};
save_struct('file.json', $data);


my $data = load_struct('file.json');
  • The "arbitrary Perl expression" is std dump/dumper for Perl, and if you know that the receiver will be Perl as well, this data format is often a good solution. But of course, if you may expect other receivers of the data than Perl, decoders for JSON/YAML, or even xml is far more common.
    – FtLie
    Feb 27, 2013 at 20:01
  • @FtLie, First of all, it's not DD output. DD wouldn't output that.
    – ikegami
    Feb 27, 2013 at 21:26
  • @FtLie, And then there's the claims that a format that's hard to read and has no parser is a good format. DD is meant as a debugging tool, and it's not even particularly good at that.
    – ikegami
    Feb 27, 2013 at 21:31
  • @FtLie, btw, the code in your answer doesn't handle DD output.
    – ikegami
    Feb 27, 2013 at 21:33
  • I am sorry but you got three wrongs on a row. 1) Data::Dump would produce a result quite close, and the question contains a simplified example (Dumper would include a $VAR= in front). 2) I claimed that Perl is easy to read for Perl, and Perl do parse Perl quite well, not that a Perl data::Dump(er) is good for everything. 3) which error you you get? It works fine for me. Finally, please contribute to answering the question (how to parse a given string). Btw Using Dumper/Safe is the most common serializer in e.g. CGI::Session.
    – FtLie
    Feb 28, 2013 at 9:44

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