I have a db table with several DateTime fields with null values. These are mapped to nullable DateTimes in my class.

If I try to perform an update with Dapper, within my data layer:

 using (IDbConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(DB.getConString()))
    return cnn.Execute((this.OptionID == 0 ? _insertSQL : _updateSQL), this);              

I get a SqlDateTimeOverflow exception (because the DateTime field is '01/01/0001 00:00:00' rather than null.

Is the only way around this to specify each parameter individually and switch the value to null like this:

 using (IDbConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(DB.getConString()))
    return cnn.Execute("UPDATE MyTable SET MyDateField = @MyDateField", new {MyDateField = (MyDateField.HasValue? MyDateField : Null), etc etc... );

I have about 50 fields in the table so this would be quite a bit of code, plus there is an INSERT method to update similarly too. Is there an easier syntax I am missing?


1 Answer 1


The issue here is that 01/01/0001 00:00:00 is not a "null value"; if you had used DateTime? I suspect it would have worked fine. However, I also have to recognize that DateTime.MinValue has often (mainly due to .NET 1.1 lacking nullable structs) been used to represent a null value. My preferred suggestion here would be to simply use DateTime?. The min-value map is a bit complicated as we might also consider whether that should be automatically mapped instead to the sql min-value (January 1, 1753).

Re the update statement - maybe add an extension method to map between min-value and null?

public static DateTime? NullIfZero(this DateTime when) {
    return when == DateTime.MinValue ? (DateTime?)null : when;

and use:

new { MyDateField = MyDateField.NullIfZero() }

but again, if MyDateField was DateTime?, you could just use:

new { MyDateField }
  • Yes, the property is already DateTime? but it doesn't end up as null. For example: public DateTime? ReleaseDate { get; set; }.
    – Simon
    May 9, 2013 at 12:53
  • @Simon yes, but what is the value in it? A DateTime? that has the value 01/01/0001 00:00:00 is not null; if you want it to be null - store it as a null. May 9, 2013 at 13:00
  • The value is null in the database if that's what you mean?
    – Simon
    May 9, 2013 at 13:03
  • The 01/01/0001 was coming from a rogue control on a page, I've fixed this and am now passing in a genuine null, I still get the same exception though. I'll accept this answer and create another question.
    – Simon
    May 9, 2013 at 14:12
  • Problem solved, as expected it was entirely my fault, Dapper works fine. I had declared a datetime field as a string by mistake. Great service as usual Marc.
    – Simon
    May 9, 2013 at 15:14

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