I have two views, for simplicity sake a parent/child. The child is using trigger to throw an event. I am not seeing it in the handler of the parent. Is the below valid?

var parent = Backbone.View.extend({
    events: { "childevent": "run" },
    run: function(e) {
    render: function() { /* render the child here */ }

var child = Backbone.View.extend({
    someAction: function() { this.trigger('childevent'); }

4 Answers 4


Figured it out! $(this.el).trigger('childevent'); works.

  • 3
    you can also try this.$el for the cached jQuery property
    – Gus
    Aug 3, 2012 at 2:38
  • and what if i'm following the policy that a view can access only the element its responsible for and its children? how do i event to the parent?
    – Hontoni
    Feb 11, 2013 at 20:08

Shouldn't it be events: { "childevent": "run" } instead? There is no way to access the actual anonymous function in this place in the code.

  • I actually had that, however it still doesn't work, I just typed it up wrong here. Good catch. Jul 20, 2011 at 2:33

Backbone store a jQuery reference to the view's node in this.$el property so you can spare some performance using it rather than re-compute the reference by $(this.el).

// use "this.$el.trigger()" to refer to jQuery's object

Obviously late, but for anyone else who comes across this:

the events property on a view is for auto-binding Html DOM events from components within the views el or $el elements, and the syntax involves both a UI event and a selector as the key in pair:

events: { "click #someButton", "clickHandler" }

To listen to events from other Models or Views, you use this.listenTo( target, ..... )

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