I am creating a UITextField programmatically and placing it inside a UIView. The font size is set to 15.0f (system font). But the placeholder that appears is not centered in the text view. Any one know how to resolve this?

I found some references on SO for blurred text etc and tried setting the frame of the textfield with integer values, but it doesn't make a difference.

UITextField *txtField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(5.0f, 6.0f, 278.0f, 32.0f)];
[txtField setPlaceholder:@"My placeholder"];
[txtField setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:15.0]];
[txtField setBorderStyle:UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect];
[txtField setAutocorrectionType:UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo];
[txtField setAutocapitalizationType:UITextAutocapitalizationTypeNone];
[txtField setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress];
[txtField setReturnKeyType:UIReturnKeyDone];
[txtField setClearButtonMode:UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing];

Thank you for any help

Note: I mean that the text is not centered vertically in the textfield (it is a bit towards the top). So setting the text alignment is not the solution.

Adding an image of the issue for clarification - as seen in the image, the placeholder text is more towards the top and not in the center vertically. alt text

  • +1 Thanks Your Question helped me..
    – Ashok
    May 29, 2013 at 5:28

4 Answers 4


You need to add:

txtField.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter; // Pre-iOS6 SDK: UITextAlignmentCenter

Keep in mind, this adjusts both the alignment of the placeholder text as well as the text the user will enter in.

How to center vertically

Since the original question was updated to request how to vertically align the placeholder text and that answer is buried in the comments, here is how to do that:

txtField.contentVerticalAlignment = UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentCenter;
  • 1
    Sorry about that. I guess the question was a bit mis-leading. I meant that the text is not centered vertically. Updated the question. Sep 8, 2010 at 8:50
  • 1
    Then link us to a screenshot so we can see exactly what you're talking about. I've never seen this myself, and I've done this a fair bit.
    – jer
    Sep 8, 2010 at 10:05
  • 1
    Added the image as well. Please let me know if that helps in pin-pointing the issue. Not sure what I could be doing wrong. The method for creating a textfield is pretty straightforward! Sep 8, 2010 at 11:49
  • 31
    Ah ok, I see what's going on. Try setting your text field's contentVerticalAlignment property to UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentCenter that should fix you right up.
    – jer
    Sep 8, 2010 at 12:14
  • 4
    Shouldn't everyone be having this problem? Why isn't it default to vertical centered in the first place?!
    – huggie
    Dec 27, 2012 at 2:40

This does not work as expected on iOS7. On iOS7 you will have to override TextField class and

- (void) drawPlaceholderInRect:(CGRect)rect


Like this:

- (void) drawPlaceholderInRect:(CGRect)rect
    [[UIColor blueColor] setFill];
    CGRect placeholderRect = CGRectMake(rect.origin.x, (rect.size.height- self.font.pointSize)/2, rect.size.width, self.font.pointSize);
    [[self placeholder] drawInRect:placeholderRect withFont:self.font lineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByWordWrapping alignment:self.textAlignment];

Works for both iOS7 and earlier versions.

  • 7
    Using lineHeight instead of pointSize gives a better result in my opinion. Jan 16, 2014 at 13:15

I was using just the color, but we need to set the font as well.

This one worked for me:

[[UITextField appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UISearchBar class], nil] setDefaultTextAttributes:
     NSForegroundColorAttributeName:[UIColor whiteColor], 
     NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont systemFontOfSize:12]
  • This should be the accepted answer. I don't know why if you didn't set the font attribute, the placeholder will be misaligned. Maybe because the placeholder font and text font is not the same. contentVerticalAlignment doesn't work (at least for me).
    – kientux
    Dec 16, 2016 at 11:01
  • This doesn't work if you use a bigger default font size than the placeholder one.
    – mattsson
    May 10, 2017 at 10:51

Changing the minimum line height using NSParagraphStyle was the only solution that worked for me:

    NSMutableParagraphStyle *style = [self.addressBar.defaultTextAttributes[NSParagraphStyleAttributeName] mutableCopy];
style.minimumLineHeight = self.addressBar.font.lineHeight - (self.addressBar.font.lineHeight - placeholderFont.lineHeight) / 2.0;

self.addressBar.attributedPlaceholder = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Placeholder text" attributes:@{
     NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor colorWithRed:79/255.0f green:79/255.0f blue:79/255.0f alpha:0.5f],
     NSFontAttributeName : placeholderFont,
     NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : style

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