I am trying to program an IM software, I want to let user leave the conversation and tell his partner that he has left... I prefer to use for loop instead Iterator, seek all the users and get the user who ask to leave and remove him... like that:

   for(Clientuser Cu: EIQserver.OnlineusersList)
          if(Cu.ID.equals(thsisUser.ID)) // find the user who ask to leave 
          Omsg.setBody("@@!&$$$$@@@####$$$$"); //code means : clien! ur parter leaves...
                 sendMessage(Omsg); // sed message to thje partner with that code
                 EIQserver.OnlineusersList.remove(Cu);// remove the partner
                EIQserver.COUNTER--;// decrease counter.


I get Exception: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException

I was using iterators, and to get rid of this exception, I convert to for, but the same exception still appears!! how may I get rid of this exception?

  • 3
    You cannot remove something from a list which you are looping through.
    – Trick
    Oct 31, 2013 at 9:20
  • 1
    @Trick unless you remove it using the same iterator you are using on the loop or you are using a collection that supports it, like CopyOnWriteArrayList.
    – aalku
    Oct 31, 2013 at 9:24
  • You should definitely read this (not an answer): oracle.com/technetwork/java/codeconventions-135099.html#367
    – aalku
    Oct 31, 2013 at 9:28
  • True. By the way @EsmaeelQash, try to follow Java Coding Standards (Naming Conventions). If you will ever pass your code, it create a pain for your follower :)
    – Trick
    Oct 31, 2013 at 9:28
  • I'll edited the question to follow naming conventions...
    – aalku
    Oct 31, 2013 at 9:29

5 Answers 5


Use Iterator instead of looping. For example:

Iterator<Clientuser> iterator = EIQserver.OnlineusersList.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    Clientuser next = iterator.next();
    if(next.ID.equals(thsisUser.ID)) {
        iterator.remove();// remove the partner
  • thank you, kocko, but does iterator.remove() removes the object from the EIQserver.OnlineusersList?? Oct 31, 2013 at 10:06
  • Yes, it removes the last fetched object from list. Oct 31, 2013 at 10:09

Faulting line: EIQserver.OnlineusersList.remove(Cu);

You can only remove elements from a collection that is being iterated over via the Iterator object you are using to iterate.

for (Iterator<Clientuser> it = EIQserver.OnlineusersList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
    Clientuser cu = it.next();
    if (!cu.ID.equals(thsisUser.ID))
    // other code

Use Iterator for do something with list in loop:

Iterator<Clientuser> iter = EIQserver.OnlineuserList.iterator();
for(;iter.hasNext();) {
    Clientuser Cu = iterator.next();
    if(Cu.ID.equals(thsisUser.ID)) {

One possible solution is also to transform the Collection to HashMap, save id's to remove and then remove it from the HashMap.

Collection<Integer> removeIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Map<Integer,ClientUser> all = new HashMap<Integer,ClientUser>();

for(Clientuser Cu: EIQserver.OnlineusersList) {
      if(Cu.ID.equals(thsisUser.ID)) // find the user who ask to leave 
      Omsg.setBody("@@!&$$$$@@@####$$$$"); //code means : clien! ur parter leaves...
             sendMessage(Omsg); // sed message to thje partner with that code
            EIQserver.COUNTER--;// decrease counter.


As you are Iterating the EIQserver collection class, you can not remove element from the same class. Use a different collection for Iteration and remove the element from EIQserver class.

 List temp = ListofEIQserverobject;
  for(Clientuser Cu: temp.OnlineusersList){
    ..... your code then 
  • To do that temp should be a copy of the list, not a reference to itself.
    – aalku
    Oct 31, 2013 at 9:29

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