When is it considered proper to use Ruby's StringIO as opposed to just using String?

I think I understand the fundamental difference between them as highlighted by "What is ruby's StringIO class really?", that StringIO enables one to read and write from/to a String in a stream-oriented manner. But what does this mean practically?

What is a good example of a practical use for using StringIO when simply using String wouldn't really cut it?

2 Answers 2


Basically, it makes a string look like an IO object, hence the name StringIO.

The StringIO class has read and write methods, so it can be passed to parts of your code that were designed to read and write from files or sockets. It's nice if you have a string and you want it to look like a file for the purposes of testing your file code.

def foo_writer(file)
  file.write "foo"

def test_foo_writer
  s = StringIO.new
  raise 'fail' unless s.string == 'foo'
  • 3
    Interesting. Are there any advantages (with regard to memory usage) in using StringIO as opposed to String? Sep 26, 2012 at 0:07
  • 3
    Probably not. If you look at the source code it looks like it just keeps a reference to a String object internally, so it will use slightly more memory than a normal string: github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ext/stringio/stringio.c Sep 26, 2012 at 0:50
  • 3
    While there isn't a memory advantage if you are using StringIO, if you design your functions for IO objects you can do things such as read from a file, and otherwise pipe operations together. So a function that takes an IO object can use less memory if it is used with an appropriate class. So, this lets you operate on a String or a possibly more efficient IO object in the same way.
    – Kevin Cox
    Aug 10, 2013 at 3:05
  • Keep in mind a StringIO doesn't look exactly like a File. One "gotcha" i just ran into -- File.size(StringIO.new('foo')) #=> TypeError: no implicit conversion of StringIO into String
    – mziwisky
    Oct 18, 2016 at 22:57

I really like StringIO for the use-case of appending text line-by-line without having to use "\n" over and over again. For example, instead of this:

s = ''
s << "\n" << "some text on a new line"
s << "\nthis is pretty awkward"
s = "#{s}\neven more ugly!"

I can do this

s = StringIO.open do |s|
  s.puts 'adding newlines with puts is easy...'
  s.puts 'and simple'

Which is much cleaner. It isn't necessary to use the block form of String.IO, you can create an object like so: s = StringIO.new but regardless, make sure to keep in mind the actual string is accessed via the StringIO#string method.

  • 1
    I usually use Array#<< and then Array#join for this kind of thing, though using StringIO is a great technique.
    – jc00ke
    Nov 25, 2014 at 23:30
  • 5
    @jc00ke So did I actually. Now that I'm more familiar with Ruby though, my habits result in code favoring the reader... To illsutrate what I mean, consider the following: To the coder, using Array like you describe is convenient to write in, sure, but when reading code, the class name StringIO is a far better indicator of purpose. Not to mention Array is a fundamentally different data structure. Also, the neccessity of using Array#join incurs excess code 'baggage', and worse, complexity! For instance, it's argument is set by default to a global which is subject to change. Dec 17, 2014 at 11:33
  • I love this, I'm stealing it. Right now.
    – ian
    Mar 22, 2018 at 12:59

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