I'm using

spawn (node, module, function, Args) 
global:register_name(name, pid)

To register a process on a different node globally.

Here's the code

Pid = spawn(mi, loop, [X]),
io:format("Glavni PID: ~w~n", [Pid]),
register(glavni, Pid),

Pid1 = spawn (prvi@Molly, mi, loop_prvi, []),
io:format("Prvi PID: ~w~n", [Pid1]),
global:register_name (prvi, Pid1),

When I run the code, it doesn't throw any error but when I try whereis(process) I get undefined on a node that spawned it.

Here's what process' console says:

Pid = spawn(mi, loop, [X]),
io:format("Glavni PID: ~w~n", [Pid]),
register(glavni, Pid),

Pid1 = spawn (prvi@Molly, mi, loop_prvi, []),
io:format("Prvi PID: ~w~n", [Pid1]),
global:register_name (prvi, Pid1),

And when I try to whereis(process) from any node, either the master node or the node I created the process on, it says:

(prvi@Molly)2> whereis(prvi).
(prvi@Molly)3> whereis(prvi@Molly).

1 Answer 1


To register on several nodes you have to:

  • start several nodes
  • ensure they use the same cookie
  • connect them (for example in node A, execute net_adm:ping(B))
  • start a process on node B with spawn(node,...)
  • register it with global:register_name(name, Pid)
  • check the registration with global:whereis_name(name)

you miss at least the last point, but all of them are necessary.

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