I'm defining a task in gradle:

task releaseCandidate(type: Exec) {
    commandLine 'git', 'checkout', 'develop'

    // Increment version code in Manifest
    String manifest = new File('AndroidManifest.xml').getText('UTF-8')
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile('android:versionCode="([0-9]+)"')
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(manifest)
    int newVersionCode = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)) + 1
    manifest = manifest.replaceAll(
        "android:versionCode=\"([0-9]+)\"", "android:versionCode=\"$newVersionCode\""
    new File('AndroidManifest.xml').write(manifest, 'UTF-8')

    commandLine 'git', 'diff'

Which I want to execute only when I explicitly call it as gradle releaseCandidate. However, when I run any other task, such as gradle assembleDebug, it also runs task releaseCandidate. I don't want that behaviour to happen. There is no task depending on releaseCandidate or vice-versa.

My project is an Android app, so I am using android gradle plugin.

3 Answers 3


A common pitfall. Add an action to the task otherwise code will run at configuration phase. Sample task with action:

task sample << {

As I see You'd rather need to write a custom task than using Exec type. I suppose it's not valid to define commandLine twice.


You can read this post to get the general idea how it all works.

  • 1
    Precisely. I was aware of the << shortcut, but the docs didn't make that behaviour on configuration phase clear. May 8, 2014 at 17:48
  • Well, ok. Do You know how to configure it right now? If not feel free to ask further questions.
    – Opal
    May 8, 2014 at 17:51

You are mixing Task configuration and groovy code. Everything that is part of the main body of a task definition will be executed in the configuration phase. The task task1 << { code } is a shorthand for

task task1 {
  doLast {

commandLine is part of the Exec Task but your other code is not and should be wrapped into a doLast this will execute the commandline first and then execute your additional code. If you need another exec commandLine then you'll need another task.

task releaseCandidate(type: Exec) {
    commandLine 'git', 'checkout', 'develop'

    doLast {
    // Increment version code in Manifest
    String manifest = new File('AndroidManifest.xml').getText('UTF-8')
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile('android:versionCode="([0-9]+)"')
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(manifest)
    int newVersionCode = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)) + 1
    manifest = manifest.replaceAll(
        "android:versionCode=\"([0-9]+)\"", "android:versionCode=\"$newVersionCode\""
    new File('AndroidManifest.xml').write(manifest, 'UTF-8')

Just to complete @Opal answer for cases when Exec is really used (for example CommandLine reference) :

task task1 << {
   exec {
        List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<String>()
        commandLine arguments

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