I have a to do this:


In c# AccountList is a string. How can i do?


10 Answers 10


You are looking for System.Environment.NewLine.

On Windows, this is equivalent to \r\n though it could be different under another .NET implementation, such as Mono on Linux, for example.

  • 11
    Theoretically bad answer.... this may change when run on Linux/Mono.... it is not "CRLF" but "the line separator defined on this computer type". No risk on Windows.... but then... ;)
    – TomTom
    Mar 8, 2010 at 14:11
  • 5
    the solution is: AccountList.Split(System.Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()) Mar 8, 2010 at 16:56
  • I tried this: string[] strOptions = txtOptions.Text.Split(System.Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); and if there are four options by pressing enter after each, it returns 7 instance instead of 4.
    – Si8
    Mar 21, 2016 at 19:49
  • @TomTom is totally right. 'System.Environment.NewLine' should not be encouraged as a decent alternative to vbCrLf.
    – Crono
    May 17, 2017 at 14:46

I typically abbreviate so that I can use several places in my code. Near the top, do something like this:

 string nl = System.Environment.NewLine;

Then I can just use "nl" instead of the full qualification everywhere when constructing strings.


Add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic to your project.

Then insert the using statement

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;

Use the defined constant vbCrLf:

private const string myString = "abc" + Constants.vbCrLf;
  • Might be better to use ControlChars.CrLf, as that also includes ControlChars.Cr and ControlChars.Lf as chars (not strings).
    – jmoreno
    Jul 26, 2022 at 14:10
  • @jmoreno: The question was about vbCrLf. There is no need to use the ControlChars class. But the result is identical.
    – huha
    Jul 27, 2022 at 7:26
  • The result is identical, but it includes more options later.
    – jmoreno
    Jul 27, 2022 at 11:58

There is no equivalent of vbCrLf constant in C#. C#'s System.Environment.NewLine is an equivalent of vbNewLine in Visual Basic, it's NOT an equivalent of vbCrLf, because the value System.Environment.NewLine depends on OS where the C# application is running (and so does vbNewLine) - see msdn link as a reference.

In C# you can use "\r\n" instead of vbCrLf, as already was mentioned in one of the comments.


I think that "\r\n" should work fine


Are you looking for



try this:

AccountList.Split(new String[]{"\r\n"},System.StringSplitOptions.None);


AccountList.Split(new String[]{"\r\n"},System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
public  string VB2 = System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine;
public string VBCrLf = System.Environment.NewLine;

MessageBox.Show("Error: " + VB2 +  E.Message,"Error",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation );
  • 1
    please add some explanation
    – mikus
    Sep 21, 2022 at 8:10
"FirstLine" + "<br/>" "SecondLine"
  • 1
    This is not equivalent.
    – Wai Ha Lee
    Apr 20, 2016 at 17:30
  • HTML newline, only useful when C# is outputting to a webpage. Not useful in C# output to console or scripting, like in messagebox. Nov 8, 2020 at 21:32

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