I am pretty new to use moq. I am into creating some unit test case to HttpModule and everything works fine until I hit a static property as follows

this.applicationPath = (HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath.Length > 1) ? HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath : String.Empty;

I do not know how create mocks for static class and property like HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath. The context, request and response have been mocked well with sample code I get from moq. I will appreciate if somebody can help me on this.

6 Answers 6


Moq can't fake static members.

As a solution you can create a wrapper class (Adapter Pattern) holding the static property and fake its members.
For example:

public class HttpRuntimeWrapper
    public virtual string AppDomainAppVirtualPath 
            return HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath; 

In the production code you can access this class instead of HttpRuntime and fake this property:

public void AppDomainAppVirtualPathTest()
    var mock = new Moq.Mock<HttpRuntimeWrapper>();
    mock.Setup(fake => fake.AppDomainAppVirtualPath).Returns("FakedPath");

    Assert.AreEqual("FakedPath", mock.Object.AppDomainAppVirtualPath);

Another solution is to use Isolation framework (as Typemock Isolator) in which you can fake static classes and members.
For example:

Isolate.WhenCalled(() => HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath)

Disclaimer - I work at Typemock

  • 6
    When asking about Moq, suggesting a comerical product is a bit off.
    – Finglas
    Mar 10, 2010 at 11:34
  • 42
    Why? It's an option. Wrapping static is better, but knowing your options is always a good thing. Mar 10, 2010 at 11:37
  • 2
    He's asking for a solution on how to do this with Moq. That's why.
    – Finglas
    Mar 10, 2010 at 11:38
  • No it doesn’t seem to be replaced HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath. The test crashes at this call. Any inputs? Mar 10, 2010 at 12:20
  • 13
    +1 for working at TypeMock, and being involved in the community :)
    – MattDavey
    Sep 9, 2011 at 12:14

You cannot Moq static methods with Moq.

This is not a bad thing in reality, static methods and classes do have their place but for logic they make unit testing difficult. Naturally you'll run into them when using other libraries. To get around this you'll need to write an adapter (wrapper) around the static code, and provide an interface. For example:

// Your static class - hard to mock
class StaticClass
   public static int ReturnOne() 
       return 1;

// Interface that you'll use for a wrapper
interface IStatic
    int ReturnOne();

Note, I've ommited the concrete class that uses IStatic for the production code. All it would be is a class which uses IStatic and your production code would make use of this class, rather than StaticClass above.

Then with Moq:

var staticMock = new Mock<IStatic>();
staticMock.Setup(s => s.ReturnOne()).Returns(2);
  • 2
    @Yasser you broke the code example, I'm reverting your change.
    – Finglas
    Oct 13, 2012 at 18:12

As mentioned in previous answers, you can't use MoQ on static methods, and if you need to, your best shot is to create a wrapper around the static class.

However, something I've discovered recently is the Moles project. From the homepage; "Moles allows to replace any .NET method with a delegate. Moles supports static or non-virtual methods." It might be useful for your current situation.

  • Interesting, will check it out.
    – Finglas
    Mar 10, 2010 at 13:29
  • Don't use Moles. First, it adds a lot of headaches and slows down build times dramatically. Second, it's been superceded since this comment was originally posted by Microsoft's newer mocking framework. Third, it's not compatible with VS2012 (which uses the newer framework) and it's a headache here at work because we have a lot of tests written with Moles here that need to be de-Molesified before we can upgrade. Mocking out static methods is tempting (esp. for legacy code), but IMO if you can it's better to just write the code to be more unit-test friendly. Dec 12, 2012 at 1:11
  • Well of course, but the question concerned the HttpRuntime class which most of us cannot modify, and in those circumstances the need somehow to mock static methods/properties is unavoidable. Feb 21, 2013 at 11:41

Best solution I have found so far is Telerik's JustMock - unfortunately only the paid for version allows mocking of statics.

While the idea of wrapping statics is a good one - you can't always do this. If you want to test some code that uses some static classes already then it's not always possible to switch out and use a wrapper. In this case JustMock looks a reasonable solution and I'm probably going to use it on some solutions in the near future.


You can use Microsoft Fakes for this. It will definitely solve the issue. Refer to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh549175.aspx

  • 2
    Although this link might answer the question, it is always good to state the important details also in the question (link could get invalid).
    – BDL
    Jul 20, 2016 at 13:42
  • microsoft fakes seems to be only available for visual studio enterprise though
    – gawkface
    Feb 10, 2023 at 20:48

Using Microsoft Fakes as suggested by @Sujith is a viable solution. Here is how you actually do it:

  • Find System.Web in your reference of your test project and right click
  • Choose "Add". This adds reference System.Web.
  • Use following code:

    using (Microsoft.QualityTools.Testing.Fakes.ShimsContext.Create()) { System.Web.Fakes.ShimHttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPathGet = () => "/"; // Do what ever needs the faked AppDomainAppVirtualPath }

  • only available in visual studio enterprise
    – gawkface
    Feb 10, 2023 at 20:49

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